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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Time Share Presentations

@Luvitorleaveit1, I'm glad that at least you and your parents got some benefit from the time share so it wasn't a loss. 


At at this point, all I can do after my impulsiveness is to wait for the credit card company to finish their 'investigation'.  From doing research I found that this is one of the types of transactions that are hard to get out of.  No three day buyers' remorse rule.  I hope I'm wrong.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,475
Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Re: Time Share Presentations

Here's what is and is not covered by the "3 Day Rule".



And no, NOT every sale or transaction is covered by it.