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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@BalletBabe LOL!!!! I just love your "traveled to....." posts. Especially loved the one where you traveled to your mailbox. Then there was the one you posted about traveling to Walmart, and (was it your first?) you traveled from the kitchen to the back yard.


Your sense of humor is a delight to me! ha!


One of these days we are going to see a post from you where you travel to another town, or to another state, or another country. ha! Can you imagine what stories you will have to tell us then! Smiley LOL Can't wait. Heart

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@Kachina624  The palmetto bugs I have encountered do not die easily with bug spray.  I had to spray spray spray and beat the last one to death with a shoe.  Others have been sprayed and they run off!  We spray outside and in.  Seldom see them anymore. I plugged holes under the bathroom sink. Palmetto bugs are nasty.  And big!

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@Dawniee  Perhaps they've become immune to common insecticides. The ones I used to encounter would drop dead at the first whiff of spray but that was a long time ago.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

Big icky bugs like warm weather locations like humans do...the more lush and tropical, the bigger and creepier the bugs. I couldn’t believe the size of some of the spiders 

and snakes in the tropics ! Eeeek 😳

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@Kachina624 wrote:

@BalletBabe So how do you like living in Florida?  One nice thing about the palmetto bugs, is that they're easy to kill when you squirt them with bug spray.

@Kachina624  I love it here.   I remember living in Pa and those horrible thousand leggers waiting for me in the hall.  I am a tropical gal!  I was never meant for the snow.  


I have an exterminator come in once a year and I usually don't see much but the Raid in the red can kills them pretty fast.  I sprayed on one night in garage.  That is when my hubby was so sick and we had large tanks in garage that looked like hot water heaters.  I would fill the portables up at night and seriously I sprayed this one and he started chasing me.  I was running backwards trying to spray him.  It is a wonder I didn't break my neck.  I need to call my exterminator.  He does a great job.  

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@NycVixen wrote:

Hi @BalletBabe. Sorry to hear this happened. What kind of parrot do you have? I rescued a lovebird last Summer. Love her to pieces.

@NycVixen  Hi, I have a blue and gold Macaw.   I rescued her.  Love her to death.   She is so funny but man she makes a mess.  I have to blow the seeds out everyday because my exterminator said the Roaches think this is the Golden Coral.  

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@SandPiper wrote:

I just googled palmetto roach. I’m surprised you were still standing. I would have been on the ground with a heart attack. And if I managed to get up and in the house, I would have the feeling that bugs were crawling on me. Nope I don’t do well with bugs, especially ones that size.


And when I scream when there’s a bug, my husband says “can you imagine how the poor bug feels as you scream your head off”. 

@SandPiper  These things fly.  They are also nocturnal but so am I.  LOL   They come up the drains.  The first one I ever saw I did think I was going to die.   Onenight I got up and couldn't sleep and this was after I had just moved here.   I went into the kitchen and there was a giant one in front of the refridgerator.  I think he was guarding the food!   So I go in and wake up hubby and he said Oh hun, I will help you get him in the morning.  I thought WHAT???????   So I took the phone book and walked in real slow and  dropped the phone book on top of him.  Ileft a post it note on top that the Palmetto was under the book for hubby.  He always got up early.  We laughed about that for years.   

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@World Traveler wrote:

@BalletBabe LOL!!!! I just love your "traveled to....." posts. Especially loved the one where you traveled to your mailbox. Then there was the one you posted about traveling to Walmart, and (was it your first?) you traveled from the kitchen to the back yard.


Your sense of humor is a delight to me! ha!


One of these days we are going to see a post from you where you travel to another town, or to another state, or another country. ha! Can you imagine what stories you will have to tell us then! Smiley LOL Can't wait. Heart

@World Traveler    Thanks!    I used to live in Pa.  I traveled to Florida every year.  That is when I realized , I like it better here.  I cannot remember which one was first.   I don't have to travel far to have an adventure!   LOL

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Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

@Kachina624 wrote:

@fthunt wrote:

I had to google = Google too.  Since it's a cockroach - best to check damp warm dark areas since bugs don't lead a celibate life.  Perhaps the garage for starters.

They say palmetto bugs come inside looking for water. They're not attracted by food like cockroaches but they do fly and will fly right into your face.

They do like water and dampness, but they do get into food.  They love cardboard.   I keep all pasta in the refridgerator.  I left a opened a box in pantry once and when I poured it into the boiling water, out came the roach.   Needless to say he didn't live long!   LOL  Now anything I open goes in the refridgerator.    

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Registered: ‎03-05-2011

Re: Last night I traveled to my garage.

[ Edited ]

@Gardengal55 wrote:

One reason I could never live in Florida. Saw one once and that was it for me.

You have big bugs everywhere.   Thousands leggers and stuff up north.  These bugs are ugly and will scare you, but they don't bite you.