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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

this assumes you are actually using your stove 😁


just a morning joke 

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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

I’ve been doing this for years..I have pretty bad ocd issues...this has helped me immensely leaving the house with ease...

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

We are probably all guilty of it at one time or another.   I, too do a complete walk through the house while hubby is putting the suitcases in the car.    Unplug some things, set lamp timers, make sure the stove is off and set the alarm.   And yes I talk to myself when doing it so I will remember that I have covered all bases.   The most comforting thing my hubby thought of was putting an automatic shut off on the hot water tank.   Therefore if it decides to go while we're away (which it will) it shuts off so we don't come home to a flood.

We travel for weeks at a time.

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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

@jackthebear, my first thought was to just not use the stove.  LOL


I never obsess about leaving burners on because I never, ever have done that.  I have an electric stove and there is an orange light that comes on when burners are on or still hot.  So I would notice that.  And I really don't ever use the stove/oven the day we are going on vacay because we always leave early.


The only thing I do sometimes get worried about is whether I unplugged my flat iron.  I did in fact leave it on one time while I came to work.  Good thing I go home at lunch.  It had burned a mark into my counter.  Woman Surprised  

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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

I learned of this from the Kathy Lee and Hoda show.  I think it's a great idea and I've been doing it when leaving the house for an extended time.  I think I'm a little OCD and I check and recheck sooo  many things before walking out the door.  What I'm going to start doing is shutting off the water to the house.  Had an incident late one evening (we were all home) sitting in family room.  I heard something funny.  Went running upstairs and found the water line under master bathroom sink leaking water,  it had disconnected.  Luckily we were home but I can't even imagine that happening while on vacation and running for days and days.  Years ago a co-worker told me they always shut the water off before they left for vacation and I just thought that was kind of silly.  I don't anymore.

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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

[ Edited ]

Years ago I traveled the state for my job.  I always touched up my daily outfit with an iron before I left the house.  Then I spent the day worrying that I had  not unplugged the iron.  I can't tell you how many times I drove back  miles to check it.  This is a specific type of mental quirkiness.  Thank goodness I got over it.  But the phone idea would have been a God send.

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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

[ Edited ]

Whenever I travel, I make a detailed list (on my tablet) of every household thing I want to do and everything I want to pack.


Everything undone has a red symbol; everything done has a green symbol. I have a quick visual check and I know everything is done when all the symbols are green.


ETA: Ive never done it before, but I like the pictures idea too.






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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

What a great common sense idea, that ironically would probably not occur to everyone . Thank you for it @VaBelle35.

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Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

I check my stove every time I leave the house. It's automatic. I check a few other things each time too.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Here’s Why You Should Always Take a Photo of Your Stove Before You Go on Vacation

Take a picture of your luggage when you travel.  If you get to a foreign country and your luggage hasn't, you'll need to make a claim.  Having a picture is best otherwise they will hand you a laminated document with pictures of various pieces of luggage, size, shape, etc. and you'll need to try to pick out what description best fits your piece(s) of luggage. Trust me, when English is limited a picture is worth a thousand words!!