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We are heading to NYC for a few days and have never visited the Empire State Building on past visits.  Is it a must see?  TIA

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We were here before the World Tra1de Towers were built. A cool vista from the top deck. 

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also worth the tour is the Rockefeller Center tour, very interesting 

not sure if it's still offered 

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Re: Empire State Building

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From what I remember (I'm too lazy to look it up) it was renovated not terribly long ago.  It's a beautiful example of art deco architecture.


ETA:  I was curious so I did look it up.  It was renovated in 2019.

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If the day is weather co-operative and the tourist isn't height averse, I'd go.  Unless recent renovations have changed something, it's a view of the city you won't get elsewhere.

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No I would not pay $44 or more to go to the top, but that's me. I am a New Yorker and I have never been to the top. Never interested me. 

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Re: Empire State Building

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@FastDogWalker2    I'm really excited for you! I've never visited it either, but always wanted to. I hope the weather is nice 😊 

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The Empire State Building is the symbol of NYC!  You have to go if this is is a rare opportunity for you!


When I was young we had a school trip to New York for a visit to the U.N.

I would much rather have gone to the ESB!!


I am retired now and so I have Christmases free to do fun stuff, so I hope at some point to see NYC at Christmas time...especially the ESB, Rockefeller Center, The WTC Memorial and Katz' Deli.

OMG!.....The lights, the store windows, the pastrami......


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YES! And take the guided tour if you can. You'll have access to areas of the building that the unguided tour doesn't have and also you'll learn many interesting things about the Empire State Building. I would show you pictures from the tour but just take my word for it, it's worth every penny. I've been lucky enough to visit since the sixties when you could walk through the front and go straight to the elevators. That's what I miss nowadays. Also, as another poster mentioned, don't miss the Rockefeller Center and tree.