Years ago...<ahem> actually about 20 years ago...I bought from QVC the Gloria Vanderbilt Sparkly Beaded Jacket. It was gorgeous. It came in a lovely special Gloria Vanderbilt box with her name on it and it was wrapped in special Gloria Vanderbilt tissue. I was ecstatic.
Alas, I never had any occasions sparkly enough to which to wear my Gloria Vanderbilt Sparkly Beaded Jacket. I don't lead a very sparkly life.
The Sparkly Beaded Jacket sat in my closet in its special box and special tissue for years and years. Still no occasions sparkly enough to wear it.
I finally, with a heavy heart, I gave it, along with its special box and special tissue, to the Goodwill. I hope it has found a home with someone with a sparklier life than I have.