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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

I don't care for the TSV and wouldn't be caught dead in the jacket and those matching pants.


If Rosina doesn't look good it, I know it would be visual pollution on me.

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

I think it is adorable and would love to own it,but I just can't aford it. My fav is the evergreen color.

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Just bought an Ann Taylor sleeveless camisole in a sparkly coral color. Brand new. Paid $1.50 for it. Think I'll wear it today.

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

I think Rosina looked nice in the Joan Rivers outfit. 🤗

I’ve never seen her look bad in anything!

Even though this is not my style of clothing, I’m sure the quality is there. 🤗🤗🤗

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

I'm a big glitter fan, just not on my body. I thought Rosina looked very good in it but she did seem to bring to mind a cruise ship lounge singer. I am a homebody and don't go to fancy Christmas parties so have no need at all for something like this. I think seeing this "fabric" on air may look a bit more glittier than it really is. I hope all who purchase feel beautiful in it.

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

Awful.  All you need is a piano and a candelabra!

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@beach-mom wrote:

I'm also passing. I have a black velvet jacket I've had forever that I wear for some holiday events. Last year I bought a Canyon Retreat crushed velvet topper in Night Sky.  Smiley Happy

Yes, i prefer velvet to sparkly- i also have several black velvet pieces that last for years; still love them.  Maybe i am in the minorty but i dont have tons of holiday parties that i attend every year.

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

A blazer is one item of clothing I'm very picky about. I always try them on before buying. And the material needs to be quality. Blazers can look cheap, boxy, & tacky if not done right. I would say this blazer checks off the boxes when it comes to all three words.

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

@Kachina624 .  No thanks.  I'll pass.  

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Re: Tomorrow 10/28/2024 Joan Rivers TSV

[ Edited ]

I'm a lover of metallic blazers.


Having said that, this TSV is quite the disappointment.


I think it's the material.  It looks like cardboard that has been "lurexed."


Content: shell 53% cotton/36% polyester/11% metallic material.


Leah said she's wearing the Large and it's perfect.  No, it isn't, she just showed subtly that she cannot button it up.  But I know what she meant.  I think her normal size XL would have made it look very boxy and stiff.  It looks boxy & stiff on the models in their normal size.


At least going down a size and never buttoning it up, it looks less boxy.  But that's a ridiculous reason to get the right look.  With the open bottom having the A-line just a bit because it's a smaller size, and looks much less boxy on her.  But that won't work on every woman's shape, and who wants to do that anyway?


That's just my sense of it.  I was all ready to buy the TSV until I saw it presented.  Smiley Sad