Posts: 39
Registered: ‎10-05-2010

Super frustrating that no one in Customer Service is answering the many questions submitted about  foundation colors for this TSV.  The products look lovely, but sales will be lost if questions don't get answered in a timely fashion.  What's up with this, Q?

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Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

@Cee Cee    The vendor's rep ought to be answering those questions.  CS reps are no more qualified than you or I. How could they possibly answer questions about colors?  There are products that have technical question, like TracFone, that are often answers by reps.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

I went on their website as per someone's suggestion and was color matched. Very easy!!

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Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

Go to the rms website and use the color finder. Easy to find color match this way.

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Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

The color choices all !ooked WAY too yellow for me. I usually wear a cool light medium. 

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎10-05-2010

Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

The point is that customer questions aren't being answered. 🙄  I don't have a preference as to who does it. But ultimately QVC is selling the product and should be getting a vendor rep in there to answer if they have no one who can do so. 

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎10-05-2010

Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

I tried that and unfortunately, as a fair-light cool toned person, the RMS site didn't help me.  😟

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Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

If the Q is selling it, why couldn't they make it easier to find a color match on the Q?  Seems silly. I got annoyed this morning, decided I don't want to bother...

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

@Cee Cee - I agree. I've been in and out all day, but we touched on this on another thread.




RMS Beauty needs to have someone ON TOP of answering questions. Better - IT Cosmetics used to have a live chat during TSV days. 




The first time I saw RMS Beauty was a one-hour show with Shawn. They showed the color chart, but the only color that was mentioned was the one Shawn was wearing. The rest of us had to guess on our own. I posted about it at the time.



I went to the website and did the "matching foundation from another brand " thing. I put in about four foundations I currently use and got 3 different recommendations. So I took a chance and went with a color in the middle that wasn't recommended!  




I also agree they need to say what the hosts and models are wearing. I watched the noon video with Terri when I was home for a while. Terri was great about saying what she was wearing, but when she asked Rose-Marie what color the model Maddie was wearing QVC threw that chart up and Rose-Marie started going through them all. We never did find out what color Maddie was wearing- which might have helped me.




I hope TPTB find out about our comments!   Smiley Happy









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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: RMS TSV Foundation Colors

Bummer that I didn’t try the color match. I ordered this in shade 33 and though it hasn’t arrived yet, I just did the rms color match and it’s recommending shade 22 or 22.5 for me instead. I am not “cool” so I’d have likely stuck with 22 (light medium) if I’d don’t the color match prior to ordering.

We shall see! At least I can be pretty sure that if 33 is too deep, 22 would be a likely good color match.

I find silicone free liquids to have less coverage and stay, but silicones don’t agree with my skin so I do without. I sometimes use mineral foundations when my skin is too shiny or oily (and in the summer) but I don’t mind a natural finish without silicone knowing I’ll need to touch up during the day.