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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?



p.s. I think the jacket is cute.

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

I like the Quacker Jeans that stretch and some of the tops. A little bit of bling goes a LONG way so the TSV today is too much bling for my taste but I can see the jacket is pretty. I would have preferred bling buttons and let it go at that but everyone has their own opinion. I still have the denim jean jacket with pearls and bling that Quacker sold years ago. I tried this jacket on multiple times but never actually wore it until I eventually removed the bling everywhere but the collar and front pocket flaps.
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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

Really cute jacket! I just don't need another jean jacket.

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

I like the longer length, I wish there was more offerings of a longer length.

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

I like the jacket, but the "matching" blinged out pants are way too much. I definitely wouldn't wear that as a suit (I wouldn't wear the pants at all, ever). Jacket's cute though.

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

I look at any piece of clothing, if it makes you happy buy it.

Emotions play a very important role with clothing, either the clothes make you happy or you just leave them hanging on the rack. I personally have never bought a piece of clothing that makes me think anything negative.

I do wish however, they would of made this jacket out of real denim, I would of considered it.

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

Hideous, just hideous.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

On 9/2/2014 Butterfly said:

ELVIS...................???? {}


p.s. I think the jacket is cute.

When I saw the whole ensemble, I couldn't help but think of the blinged out jumpsuits Elvis wore in the 70's. It's just too much together. Separately, it may look better. The jacket could look very nice with a simple top.

Quacker is a happy line of clothes. I bought the trio of Angels top last Christmas season, and it was nicely done. The 100% cotton doesn't hold it's shape too well, but if I tuck it into my jeans, you can't tell it's shorter.

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

I would buy one or two of these jackets, but for the bling!! I love the fabric and the length! But I hate this much bling!! And yes, the whole pantsuit outfit does look like the clothing that famous country singers used to wear on stage!!!

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Re: Quacker TSV: Anyone say Leisure Suit?

Do any of you remember Quacker when Jeanne was alive? This is very mild bling for Quacker Factory!! In past days the entire jacket would have been sparkling and now, it's only on the yoke & collar of the jacket. I can see Quacker fans NOT BUYING it because it's not enough bling!