New Contributor
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎08-28-2010

My NOV '09 TSV Keurig is DEAD !! Can the Q or ANYONE help me now ?!

Hi everyone,

I need some friendly advice for all the "Keurig customers" out there. My November '09 TSV Black Keurig Quiet-Brew coffee maker is REALLY quiet now, because it's no longer working !

I've called the Keurig customer service, hoping they would be able to help me ( very well aware that I'm just a "few weeks" past the one year warranty....and of course they said NO !

I have followed all the instructions in the manual for troubleshooting, and no luck. My problem is : I turned my machine off for a few weeks while I was out of town, came back home, filled the water tank up.....and I'm thinking the machine is going through its process of preparing for brewing, when about 2 minutes later, it just shuts off !

What's the likelihood of QVC customer service helping me THIS LATE ? ( I still see the order #, and details on my account online ) Has anyone ever encountered an issue like this, especially with a high price electronic / appliance dying well after the 30 day return policy, & then the manufactuer warranty expiring ??!
Talking to the customer service department at Keurig has really left a bad taste in my mouth, as they were not willing to even entertain the idea of helping me.

Oh gosh, I really hope someone can offer thoughts / ideas......



