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Registered: ‎09-22-2010

I still just don't get this line. I have watched several times. On the very thin models it looks OK but on everyone else it just looks terrible. I guess I am just not into the bag lady look.

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Registered: ‎04-07-2010

That is the weirdest piece of clothing ever for a TSV!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I just heard (2:30 PM) time slot. Jane tell Lori she started ordering when it was 12:00 midnight.

She said, "I bought 4 for me, 2 for Chelsea and 1 for my sister"! Wow! Good for you Jane??

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Posts: 350
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I kind of like it. It has two things that are important to me in a cardigan or jacket and those are pockets and a zipper. The problem is I am not a big fan of knits, especially made of rayon or polyester. It seems most of the LOGO items are just made material.

It seems the country where these fashions are manufactured in do not grow cotton. Even when companies do use a natural fabric the material is of very poor quality. Those of us who are over the 50 mark still remember when we had much better materials available to us for much less money. My kids have no idea what the mall looked like 20 years ago and the kind of variety as well as creativity that was out there. Now you can go to 5 different stores and you will see many of the same items or something much the same. Although there were some man made fabrics a few decades ago most of them were in the lingerie department.

My daughter was looking at a jacket in a major department store recently. I could not believe the poor quality of the fabric or the high price tag.

Sorry for the rant. I just get so tired of seeing so many cheap, poor quality items sold as "top fashion." The TSV jacket is OK and I probably would wear something like that as an occasional jacket but it is certainly not worth what they are charging even at the "reduced" price.

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎02-08-2014

I like the todays TSV from Lori, but I will pass. It's very cute and I am sure I would like it a lot but, the price is just a bit high for me. I always need to consider the space I have available, the items I already have as well as the number of times an item will be worn. This TSV is close, but no cigar. I already have three of the Susan Graver's French terry tunics, one with a hood in my closet and I think those will be enough for me. I'm sorry to pass; I love Lori's stuff but enough is enough. Now, if it was $10. less in price it would be waaaaay too good of a deal to pass up. But, it's not so I will pass. I hope everyone who gets it will enjoy wearing it. It looks cute, easy to wear and very comfortable.

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Posts: 19,201
Registered: ‎03-14-2010
On 8/22/2014 jay633 said: Lol!!!
On 8/22/2014 Posh Poodle said:

Is it just me or does the burgundy color jacket that Lori and the model are wearing look like something Little Red Riding Hood should be wearing instead ?

It's just you.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,201
Registered: ‎03-14-2010
On 8/22/2014 jay633 said: Lol!!!
On 8/22/2014 Posh Poodle said:

Is it just me or does the burgundy color jacket that Lori and the model are wearing look like something Little Red Riding Hood should be wearing instead ?

It's just you.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 952
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

When I see the puckers around the hem on the home page I wonder how it ever passed quality control. When I took sewing many years ago my teacher would have told me to rip it out and do it again.

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Posts: 243
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Am I the only person who cannot stand Lori fashion? I just don't think it is attractive. Too oversized, bulky, big and too many layers.

Super Contributor
Posts: 497
Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Your not the only one. I think the line is just plain weird and does not flatter anyone's shape. Its all just baggy and shapeless. If you have a lot to cover, if guess this is the line for you. I think all that extra material just adds pounds to anyone's shape. Not attractive at all.