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Registered: ‎02-22-2012

Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!

I can't believe how "post" just goes on and on....over such a simple matter. In the grand scheme of things whether you pronounce "le" or "la" inconsequential. I AM French and it doesn't bother me one bit. Perhaps we might be kinder to one another....a simple faux pas....should be forgiven immediately.... unless you're an impolite, self-absorbed moron ! 

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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!

Hi,  I know things should be pronounced properly, I certainly don't do it, though-  I've had a stroke, no outwardl signs other than a slight change over my eye, but I can mispronounce words, or insert a different word for what I want over and over,  my mind gets stuck on a certain part of a word, and it comes out slightly different.

 When I'm under stress, any stress, good or bad, excited.. it happens more often.  Same thing with my daughters who were in 2 violent car accidents, sustaining life threatning trauma with brain damage, they're  back to their beautiful, brilliant selves, but have blips in thoughts now and then.


The reason I'm saying this is, we don't know why anyone syas or does something, could be habit or something else.


, I've heard  LE  pronounced Lah from LC customer service, supervisors, retail, and French friends. I do pronounce it Luh, though, sometimes it sounds like Lurh, and sometimes it comes out anyway it wants, lol.


I thought it was really cute when Mary Beth said

 "I'm mean that's where people go...' I don't even know how to say it but I want it!'"


Made me laughCat Very Happy

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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!

@Big Joaniewrote:

The lady survived a near fatal car crash .. I am sure Le or La is

not high on her priority list ....

@Big Joanie, I think she has fully recovered by now.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!

I noticed the same host mispronouncing another foreign name of a product that has slipped my mind at the moment.


I think that it would be best if someone selling an item that has a foreign name should be able to pronounce it correctly, just as I would want the same respect for our language. It's really not that difficult.


As for French compared to German, well, each to his own, but I had a much harder time with the latter.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!






Regardless of what the correct pronunciation of LC is, it's OVERRATED and OVERPRICED.


 I purchased a cast-iron enameled 4 quart dutch oven by Tramontina at Walmart around two years ago for about $40.  Cooks and bakes perfectly and easy cleanup. 

Maybe to you.  NOT to a lot of people, judging by the sales and the popularity.

 I am happy with my purchase of a less expensive cast iron pan that most likely works  as efficiently as a more expensive brand. 

@KentuckyWoman  Nothing wrong with that.  Nothing wrong with loving and being a big fan and purchaserer of the LC either. 

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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!


Ok,,which is correct pea can or pea con?  

It's puh-con because pea-can isn't a nut.  Smiley Wink

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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!



Mary Beth is not the only host who says "la" instead of "le."  Mary is just as guilty.  QVC promotes the product being manufactured in France; therefore, the hosts should learn to pronounce it properly.  Their job is to talk, so speak clearly and say the words properly.  


David says it correctly. Don't anyone of them ever watch his shows?

@september  I hate to do this because it is rude, but in this case, maybe the hair of the rat that bit you is in order.


”Don’t anyone of them ever watch his shows?” Is very incorrect.


It should be “Doesn’t anyone”

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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!

[ Edited ]

@Big Joaniewrote:

The lady survived a near fatal car crash .. I am sure Le or La is

not high on her priority list ....

@Big Joanie, I think she has fully recovered by now.


It saddens me to see this post. You have no way to know this. Trauma, emotionally and physically, lasts a lifetime.


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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!



@Big Joaniewrote:

The lady survived a near fatal car crash .. I am sure Le or La is

not high on her priority list ....

@Big Joanie, I think she has fully recovered by now.

It saddens me to see this post. You have no way to know this. Trauma, emotionally and physically, lasts a lifetime.


@skittles2, let me clarify exactly what my meaning was. It had nothing to do with minimizing the effects of her accident and everything to do with posting that it might in any way be relevant to this thread.


If it were, it would mean that anyone who has been through a very traumatic event is above any even slight criticism.


I doubt that this host or the majority of us would want to be treated as somehow different than others.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: It’s LE Creuset not LA Creuset!

[ Edited ]


So why even offer, as you stated, "slight criticism" when  someone's situation is known, or unknown, for that matter. Why criticize at all?

Why "treat others" this way?


Because of my stroke, words, letters, numbers,  look odd to me many times. When I wrote, I use to cringe, thinking someone would point out errors in my posts.  I still go over them a few times because I often have incorrect words for what I want to say, or spell a word correctly, but it looks wrong to me, so I goolge  to find the right way, mostly finding out I do have it correct, just looks wrong in my mind.  Though, it doesn't bother me anymore.


  Your wording, stating you think Mary beth is over the accidnet by now,  to me, came across as mean, and ignorant of the effects of trauma, visible or not,  occurring from outside forces, or forces within our bodies. 


I really don't mean this as rude, it's just what I'm feeling.


In the scheme of things, does bringing forth a "slight criticism" ( your words) or more, really matter, will it change them, should it even change them?