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The Elemis TSV is on 6 EZ pays, however it's a 3 month supply.  Does this make sense to anyone?  😧

Valued Contributor
Posts: 795
Registered: ‎01-01-2014

Have seen this on other 3 month supply TSV's.  Wish I could give u some of the last Elemis TSV.  I have a ton of boxes stacked up never opening. (Have no idea why we did not cancel it).   Loved how my skin felt with it but a no go for me.   My skin would roll with makeup on even after good exfoliation.  Odd as reviews at that time were fabulous so it must be me.  Product felt and smelled great. 


I only opened my first delivery and did not complete using it so I could not give a good response as to how long it lasts because you could extend you delivery date out.  

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Doesn't make sense to me either, but I rarely ever do EZ pay.  If I can't pay it off in one month I probably don't need it.  I guess you could look at it like you're getting a break on those 1st 2 months and then getting 3 EZ pays until the end of the deal.