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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023



I do the same as you here in Arizona.  If I choose to use a hair dryer which is very rare, my hair dries in seconds.  Better to air dry for me. Cat LOL


Obvious pass for me.

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

@kindred cats. I use a hair dryer on the dogs, for defrosting the freezer, quick drying a piece of lingerie, important stuff.

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

@Toots711 wrote:

@songbird wrote:

It's a great hair dryer!  My sister has it.  And I've used it.  I've got the shark version. That's pretty good too.  It really styles your hair while drying it. 


I have been curious about the Shark hair dryer. For their price, do you feel it does a decent job of smoothing the hair?

Yes!  i love it.  The technology of hair prodcuts have changed very quickly now.  I spend about $235.00 or about that a year ago for it.  I no longer need my styling tools.  That's how good it styles while it dries. I don't need a lot of styling tools anyway.  My hair is good.  Thick and dry (with body.... what I onsider good hair anyway) What they have now from QVC today is more for long hair.  But look around for good deals for the hair dryer.  I got mine black Friday at Amazon last year. Shark has a lot of extra tools that come with the dryer.  There are other new brands of hair dryers too.  Dyson no longer has a patton on it. 

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

I think it is a good value if you use all the attachments but if you don't, not so much. My hair stylist has the dyson but this helps her in her profession.

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

When the Dysons first came out, most of the stylists in the salon, owned by my friend, had them. About a year later, they were all back to using what they had previously. 

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

@elated wrote:

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@queendiva wrote:

Cheaper at Costco.

@queendiva   Can you quote Costco's price please?


This TSV has:

  • 6 attachments
  • carrying/storage case
  • and travel pouch


Is Costco's package the exact same?



The package from Costco only offers the 1.2" barrel, round brush and the Coanada smoothing dryer for $399.00. QVC's is a much better value.


If something goes wrong with the product, I don't know QVC's extended return policy, but Costco has an excellent return policy if there is a problem. 

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

No it's not the same .

No case and not the same number of attacks hments .

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

I have the original air wrap dryer system .


Mine has an actual hair dryer attachment .


I am thinking of upgrading . However they do not demonstrate any models with full wet hair .


Will the flat attachment actually dry your hair . ? 

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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

Dyson's website has this on sale too.  It doesn't have the little barrel iron for short hair, but includes a detangler comb.  It is made for longer hair.


They also offer it in different colors.



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Re: Dyson (Hair) TSV -:November 24, 2023

So, I am a bit confused about this.  This is NOT a dryer, right?  It's just a curling iron / styler?  It's not a flat iron either is it?


That leads me to ask, I know Dyson does offer a flat iron. Has anyone tried it?  If so, would you review?


I take from all the times I've heard about Dyson that their products cause less damage to hair?  That would be for the dryier, curling iron and flat iron, etc.  Can anyone explain what about the dysons would be so much better and healthier for hair?