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Drones are inappropriate TSV

I may be alone in this opinion, but I don't feel drones are appropriate for a TSV.  No matter how they doctor it up with colors, they're dangerous items that are not toys. And yet, the Q is merchandising them for children.


They may not even be legal in some states. Their interference with planes and the cause of accidents  has been well documented.


I think it's irresponsible to sell or buy these for a fun toy.

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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

@Zita wrote:

I may be alone in this opinion, but I don't feel drones are appropriate for a TSV.  No matter how they doctor it up with colors, they're dangerous items that are not toys. And yet, the Q is merchandising them for children.


They may not even be legal in some states. Their interference with planes and the cause of accidents  has been well documented.


I think it's irresponsible to sell or buy these for a fun toy.

Great toy if you live in the country.  Would be a lot of fun for lots of people without bothering any body.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

I'm not a fan and if I ever saw one flying around me while I'm in my yard, if it was low enough, I'd knock it down but if they are legal, I see no reason for Q not to sell them.


Hoverboards are dangerous as well yet those are being sold daily and marketed to children.

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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

All the shopping channels have had them featured.   They seem to be the "in thing"  for 2016.  I have a feeling the ones they're selling aren't powerful enough to do damage.   Most will probably end up in trees. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

I totally agree that drones are not appropriate for children.  If parents buy this kind of "toy" for their child, they must be responsible in going over the rules for flying a drone.  And they must be responsible enough to be with their child anytime the drone is used.  The operative word here is "responsible"!  Following the rules is extremely important.  And that's why I don't think outsiders should buy drones for someone else's child!  And by outsiders I mean everyone from grandparents to aunts and uncles, to friends.  And I'll repeat a responsible adult must be with the child anytime the drone is used.  So unless an outsider lives with the child, they won't be with the child when he/she wants to play with it!  

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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

If they can make money with it, they are going to sell it.

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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

The neighbor who lives directly behind us has a drone that he occassionaly flys over our house and the empty lot next to us that we also own.  He did it again about two weeks ago.  I was coming back from walking my dog and the drone was hovering over one of our trees close to our house.  I gave him the one finger salute, if you know what I mean, because I am sure he has a camera on it.  The neighbor across the street from him warned him to stay away from his house because he has young girls (who could be changing clothes in their rooms.)


So on this particular occassion, I had my son come outside.  He has a powerful laser pointer, and he pointed it at the drone in the air.  I was hoping this guy would get the message to back off.


So no, I am not a fan and I don't think QVC should be promoting them.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

OK ladies, don't get your panties in a bunch.  This drone is a toy.  It's not some high powered FBI spy drone made to fly over foreign soil or some commercial drone built to deliver your packages to your doorstep.  My 10-year old grandson will love this.  He has been wanting one for awhile and specifically wished for a white one.  I've ordered it along with 2 of the additional lithium batteries to give him extra flight time.  I'm weary of buying him Legos every Christmas, though he does love them., so can't wait to see his reaction when he opens this gift.  I did check with his mom & dad before ordering to make sure a toy drone meets with their approval.

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Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

IMO, drones are inappropriate, period.   Why and what for would anyone want one?  Just another thing I don't understand.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Drones are inappropriate TSV

Like everything else in the market -  it's the buyers who determine whether something is appropriate.  I really dislike the use of drones outside of military use, but I accept they might have commercial use in some ways.  As toys whether for young or old, I dislike them but about on the same level as I dislike toy guns and ATV's. 


We all know how much good that's done me. but I do speak with my money which means I'm not watching much QVC today -  I don't need to see the presentations or anything presented during adjoining times.