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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Those prices are just outa reach for us.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Too bad they had such minimal quantity in the 3.5' size. So many of us are older, live alone on fixed incomes in small condos/apartments/group living. The 3.5 size was affordable and could be stored in a closet without disassembly. For those who want a tall tree for a large home there are many choices out there, but not easy to find a small table top size that has quality. They were sold out by the time I tuned in at 6AM EST. Disappointed this year, but maybe better luck in CIJ next July. 

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Hi @CJC - I agree. The 3' trees sold out in the midnight hour!

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

It is a pretty tree but my feeling is the more options they build into these items, the more that can go wrong.  I have a Balsam Hill tree that we bought when we downsized, it's a 5 foot tall tree with NO experience with built in lights over the years has not been a good one.   DH is the light guy and I do the ornaments.  


Considering the older audience on the Q, you would think they would have had more of the smaller trees available.   They have been on selling lots of trees since July.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Yes, very odd to have such a small quantity of the 3.5 foot trees. Plus, that was mainly when the phone lines were the only way to get them. 

The lady presenter did such a good job of describing the details and functions of the trees on the 8 o'clock hour in the morning with Ali.  Not until then did I even hear about some of the fuctions because the regular guy and Courtney never mentioned them at midnight.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

@LindaSal wrote:

It is a pretty tree but my feeling is the more options they build into these items, the more that can go wrong.  I have a Balsam Hill tree that we bought when we downsized, it's a 5 foot tall tree with NO experience with built in lights over the years has not been a good one.   DH is the light guy and I do the ornaments.  


Considering the older audience on the Q, you would think they would have had more of the smaller trees available.   They have been on selling lots of trees since July.

@LindaSal I have a similar experience  I can't remember how old the Balsam Hill tree that we have is (8-10 Years?) but it's a bit smaller than our older artificial tree.  When it was new it was a pre lit tree that worked well for the first year or so.  Then the lights started to go out and we eventually removed all of them and add our own now.


The thing that I hate about the tree is that it sheds so much!  You would think that it was a real tree that has dried out there are so many needles on the floor when we go to put it away!


I'm thinking of getting a new one maybe next year but I won't buy from Balsam Hill.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Honestly, I think that the CIJ Bethelem tree was hard to beat because it was absolutely beautiful and the only reason I didn’t buy one was because my nephew (who worked at Lowes at the time) had bought me a huge 🌲 at an amazing after Christmas sale price which also included his employee discount. But I sure did want that CIJ tree lol!!!!
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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Good to know @haddon9 I always wondered how long those Balsam Hill Trees lasted.

We have a Bethlehem Lights tree from 8 years ago and it’s lights no longer work. The warranty is 5 yrs so I guess we got our moneys worth. 🤗
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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024


I am very surprised to hear that! I bought an inexpensive, pre-lit, 9 ft. tree from Wal-Mart 10 years ago, and it has definitely been through it. The lights went out after a few years, I had a whole branch completely break off one year, and it sheds like CRAZY. I actually think it sheds almost as much as a real tree, and I'm surprised it's not totally bald by now.

I am very surprised to hear a Balsam Hill would have lights that only lasted that long and that it would shed! They are expensive, and I've always assumed they were very high quality.

Can anyone who has one of these Bethlehem lights trees weigh in on them? I won't be able to get one this year, but I would like to, hopefully, buy one next year. Do the lights really only last a couple of years, and do they shed badly? I know it's probably better to string lights myself, but I just so love the ease of a pre-lit.
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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

@haddon9  I actually love my Balsam Hill tree and mine does not shed at all.  My bad experience was not with that particular brand, as a matter of fact I can't remember what brand my other tree was with the built in lights that failed.

I may not have explained it well, I was just trying to say when we downsized we bought a smaller tree which is a BH unlit version, as just in general I don't trust anything prelit anymore.   Just like I won't buy a lantern with a candle that can't be removed and replaced.