@haddon9I am very surprised to hear that! I bought an inexpensive, pre-lit, 9 ft. tree from Wal-Mart 10 years ago, and it has definitely been through it. The lights went out after a few years, I had a whole branch completely break off one year, and it sheds like CRAZY. I actually think it sheds almost as much as a real tree, and I'm surprised it's not totally bald by now.
I am very surprised to hear a Balsam Hill would have lights that only lasted that long and that it would shed! They are expensive, and I've always assumed they were very high quality.
Can anyone who has one of these Bethlehem lights trees weigh in on them? I won't be able to get one this year, but I would like to, hopefully, buy one next year. Do the lights really only last a couple of years, and do they shed badly? I know it's probably better to string lights myself, but I just so love the ease of a pre-lit.