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Another recycled TSV. Clear out the warehouse. It looks lovely like it's  from the 70's. 

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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

I've never seen any recliners, that didn't immediately have me thinking of days gone by, AND, grandpa.


Sometimes we have to go for,  comfort and functionality, over appearance. These do look comfy. I wouldn't mind having one, if they didn't take up so much real estate.   

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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

LOL  I so agree.  I thought the stone colored choice looked just like it came off the Flintstones movie set.  But the powered stone chair was the first one to sell out, so what do I know?


My son walked into the room and said it looked like the perfect man-cave chair to fully encase you so you could sit for hours.  He didn't care what it looked like. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

[ Edited ]

....they might not be pretty, but comfort reigns for some.

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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

I HATE recliners, I hate the look of them!!!

Such an ugly piece of furniture.


My DH Loves recliners and because he is tall he needs an extra big one.....ugh


I do not understand why you want to lean the chair back and face the ceiling then lean forward to watch TV.  It looks so uncomfortable.


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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

I saw this emblazoned on my front page on the Q and I thought, "soooo ugly." Imagine my surprise when I saw this thread echoing my exact thoughts! I see this kind of thing at the curb of houses, hoping someone will take it away. I'll bet they've had them for 20 years. Yuk. I can't even think about it.

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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

The only reason for QVC to clear its warehouse of this recliner is to make room for another one almost the same!  And why not?  People buy them repeatedly and have for years and years.


I've never found a version of the TSV chair small enough to be comfortable for me (the seats are always too deep for my feet to reach the floor) but there have been large recliners somewhere every place I lived since we bought our first house in the mid-1960's.



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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly


If you have a bad back or bad knees  or COPD or other breathing problem.  It is uncomfortable and sometimes impossible to sit sitting straight up.


Some people, unfortunally, have to sleep in a recliner every night to get to sleep.  They can no longer lay down to sleep. My brother had lung cancer and could no longer sleep in his bed.


Recliners are needed to give you some quality and comfort to your life.  people with these issues don't rally care about the looks of the chair.  They are way past that point.



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Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

@LoveMyBaby wrote:

Another recycled TSV. Clear out the warehouse. It looks lovely like it's  from the 70's. 

@LoveMyBaby It isn't supposed to be a fashion statement. It's a comfy chair for people who need it.  

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

Re: 12/31 TSV Lazy Boy -so ugly

My butt rarely touches my Lazy Boy sofa because it resides in my Lazy Boy recliner both of which are at least 20 years old and still in good condition. The only time it hits the sofa is if somebody beats me to the recliner.