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the tv show younger is coming back on june 5th.they said its going to be like a season finally. something big is going to happen in the last minute of the first show.cant wait to see it.

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I love that show.

I love the cast.

I started watching because of Sutton Foster, but I kept watching because I think that entire cast is amazing.

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It was slated to return this month, then it got moved back.

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One of my favorite shows!!

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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I gather from reading ratings, reviews etc. Younger's audience grows with each season. The fourth season had the strongest ratings thus far.  I love this show.  I am glad it is such a hit.

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@CherryHugs wrote:

One of my favorite shows!!


Mine, too!  

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my only complaint is that i wish this show was an hour long. 

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My DVR recorded a short 2 minute "first look" at the new season, and it looks like they are going to touch upon the subject of sexual harassment -- it appears to involve the author Edward LL Moore, who as we already know has previously been inappropriate to Liza many times.


And like @Pooky1  mentioned in her first post, something really big will be happening in the very last minute of the first episode.  They showed a scene with Charles, Liza, and Charles' former wife Pauline, so I guess it involves the three of them.


Other than that, they showed the entire cast coming together for a table read for the new season, and Darren Star mentioned the great chemistry they all have.  He, also, mentioned this season will be Liza trying to maintain all of her relationships (friends, family, work), and not on maintaining her "lie/secret."  I don't know if they will ever get back to the original theme of Liza's "secret," which I don't think they need to do, but at the same time I did like that aspect.  I do know focusing on her "secret" gets old, though, and there's only so much you can do.  I'm sure it will be brought up again when the series ends.  (Ending is a sad thought, but hopefully we have a few more seasons!).

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@Pooky1  Thank you for this .....................I have been wondering about the show's return date ~ I will mark my calendar : )

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p.s.  The 2 minute "First Look" sneak peek can also be viewed on TVLand's website. 

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