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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

... of course she did...


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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

@qvcfreak wrote:

3rd baby, wouldn’t that be a sprinkle 

since it's November maybe it would be a drizzle

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Being the nice gift giver I am......matching shoes!!!


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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

What's a duck face?

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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

@faeriemoon wrote:

What's a duck face?

At one time it was a very popular pose for selfies on social media and I guess some still do it. With the lips pressed together to look pouty, and the cheeks sucked in, it was meant to be a seductive look. After people started making fun of the pose it became less popular.


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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

I was under the imperssion that baby showers are ONLY for the first born.  Does she think everyone wants to keep buying her gifts?  I think it is in poor taste unless she states on the invitation "no gifts."  In other words, come for the fun!   Cat Tongue

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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

Lets see on the list would be manners, tact and decorum and lets add charity also


@The original Juju wrote:

what could she possibly need?


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

Why on earth would she need a baby shower?? She's already had two, plus she can afford to buy anything she could ever want should North's stuff not fit the new baby. This is an attention getting activity and nothing more.

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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

So much money, so much time on their hands. 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: so Kim Karsdashian gave herself baby shower

[ Edited ]

@SusieQ_2 Thank you...very well articulated about the "duck face" question. Smiley Happy


Not to take anything away from Kim K's thunder but have you heard of the new trend of 1/2 birthday parties? I kid you not that some in the non celeb populace have now decided to have not only yearly birthday parties for thier kids, but to also throw a birthday party every 6 months for said child!


I was just invited to one of those 1/2 b-day parties and politely declined. I would go broke in short order! LOL. Oh yes and the "sprinkle" I understand is for second and subesequent children. Not as bad (have only been invited to 3 of them) but wow is a gift giving frenzy. 

Im having some trouble keeping up with the latest...well except the duck face. That was a result of seeing my younger friends doing that selfie and at first thinking it was a mistake LOL I know I must be getting old and outdated. HA!


Euwww Kimmy dont look so chic doing that pouty lip thing either. Thank you for clarifying the "duck face" thingy! xxxxxxxxxxx Stormy