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Re: real housewives of orange county...9/12/16..."news," spoilers, gossip

Why did Megan have to go to such extremes to get pregnant? I must have missed that part. 

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Re: real housewives of orange county...9/12/16..."news," spoilers, gossip

Getting pregnant wasn't easy. While Meghan didn't have fertility issues, Jim had previously undergone a vasectomy and froze his sperm. "Infertility is a challenge that faces so many," she told The Daily Dish, "and I hope our story will bring hope to those working to build their family."


Meghan also spoke candidly about her IVF journey in an interview with People Monday. "We went through IVF and fortunately we got pregnant the first time," she said. "It was just such a long process with the IVF, step by step by step with so much information." Now, with a baby on the way, the 31-year-old is "over the moon." In fact, she said, "I've always dreamed of this, but it's still such a miracle. I can't even describe the feeling." She could, however, describe her new curves. "I finally have a bum!" the slender star joked. "For the first time in my life I can twerk."

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Re: real housewives of orange county...9/12/16..."news," spoilers, gossip

@sunshine45  Thank-you! Megan is so so slim....I do not know how she can be so tiny! Lucky her!

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Re: real housewives of orange county...9/12/16..."news," spoilers, gossip

She's annoying!

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Re: real housewives of orange county...9/12/16..."news," spoilers, gossip

I saw Shannon the other night on Flipping Out (another Bravo show).  She sold her house (furnished and all) so she was picking out new everything!  She seemed much more relaxed and likable.

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Re: real housewives of orange county...9/12/16..."news," spoilers, gossip

Meghan was very lucky to get pregnant on her first IVF implantation. I know couples who had to try 3-4 times before they became pregnant. I just feel sorry for her that her husband most likely won't be around or interested in being a father to this baby girl.