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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

I too think I saw the first 1/2 hour and then I dozed off and woke up an hour and a half later and WWHL was on with Andy, Leah, and some one else.  Turned it off and went to bed.


I'll catch it On Demand, but I don't really recall anything happening either.  I did watch the 'Behind the Scenes' episode that came on at 8pm (eastern).  Is Leah converting to Judaism because of Pita Chip?  Or for the jokes? (Seinfeld reference) Or why else?


As far as last night's episode I can't remember a darn thing other than I think they went to Ramona's house in the Hamptons and were having a Burning Man(?) party in which they all wore body exposing outfits and wilder makeup and hairstyles.  Ramona's home sure is gorgeous though.  She's done very well for herself as far as material things go.


I'll continue to watch.  Have watched from the beginning.  Although I did give up on Atlanta, Dallas is just OK, and couldn't quite get into SLC.  I've got NYC, NJ, Beverly Hills and the OC.

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

This episode was unfortunately just what I thought it would be...a fake ridiculous party and Eboni (and Leah) judging and testing the 3 others on how Eboni is treated.

I will probably watch 1 more episode but I doubt I will continue with this franchise.....just too fake, scripted and judgey.

I knew this would happen..the writing was on the wall last season when they made such a big deal with Leah joining. Now they are doing the same with Eboni.

Just not interesting to me.

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

Eboni did her job and made Andy happy. Like no one saw this coming. I am going to watch next week to see Ramona defend herself from calling the Help the Help. The theme of Burning Man is a younger persons theme that truth be told even Leah is aging out of. What was fun or interesting about last night? .......... Nothing. I've seen fancy clothes, houses, trips etc. I've seen alternative healing sessions when someone doesn't have anything else going on. The bickering about rooms, Sonja's interns, Lu's drinking, Leah's mommy issues are stale. Eboni bringing the political issues from her point of view is just that. Her point of view. So? Who cares?

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

I remember reading that Sonja wasn't smart with her money after her divorce, and that she didn't get as much as she would have because she was caught cheating.....Don't know how much is true or not, but it makes sense that she is always complaining about being broke and having no money after being married to a multi millionaire!

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip


I remember reading that Sonja wasn't smart with her money after her divorce, and that she didn't get as much as she would have because she was caught cheating.....Don't know how much is true or not, but it makes sense that she is always complaining about being broke and having no money after being married to a multi millionaire!

Sonja still has major issues with her divorce. I don't know how long they have been divorced or were married but I assume and hope her daughter is being well taken care of by her father. With all his money I would think so.

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

@DREAMON wrote:


I remember reading that Sonja wasn't smart with her money after her divorce, and that she didn't get as much as she would have because she was caught cheating.....Don't know how much is true or not, but it makes sense that she is always complaining about being broke and having no money after being married to a multi millionaire!

Sonja still has major issues with her divorce. I don't know how long they have been divorced or were married but I assume and hope her daughter is being well taken care of by her father. With all his money I would think so.

@DREAMON I think he does provide very well for his daughter!

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip


I just read that he is 91, they were married for 7 years, and have been divorced since 2006...15 years.

He has been married 5 times.

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

@DREAMON wrote:


I remember reading that Sonja wasn't smart with her money after her divorce, and that she didn't get as much as she would have because she was caught cheating.....Don't know how much is true or not, but it makes sense that she is always complaining about being broke and having no money after being married to a multi millionaire!

Sonja still has major issues with her divorce. I don't know how long they have been divorced or were married but I assume and hope her daughter is being well taken care of by her father. With all his money I would think so.


She was married from 1998 to 2006. She is just a scatter brain with no business sense. I get tired of hearing her cry about her past. It is over and she hasn't moved on in over 15 years. Very sad.


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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip

@DREAMON wrote:


I just read that he is 91, they were married for 7 years, and have been divorced since 2006...15 years.

He has been married 5 times.

@DREAMON wow! I had no idea he was that old!!!!! They sure werent' married for very long!

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Re: real housewives of new york....SEASON 13,, spoilers, gossip


@DREAMON wrote:


I just read that he is 91, they were married for 7 years, and have been divorced since 2006...15 years.

He has been married 5 times.

@DREAMON wow! I had no idea he was that old!!!!! They sure werent' married for very long!

I had to laugh last night when Sonja said that she "doesn't live in the past". All she does is talk about her marriage to a Morgan ~ it's ridiculous.


Leah is ruining the show for me, she's unbearable and they sure seem to use her a little bit too much. 


What's missing? A reliable narrator (Bethenny) ~ these 5 can't carry the show on their own, they're supporting characters at best. 


I'm willing to give Eboni a chance, but I don't like her teaming up with Leah. Then again, they are in a different age group than the other three, right? It's only natural that they'd align.