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Re: real housewives of new york......7/25/, spoilers, gossip

@Big Sister wrote:

Dorinda's "boyfriend" John and she get along well because they are both drinkers.  Someone who is sober could not "live" with someone who is an alcoholic.


I am sure Dorinda has seen previous tapes where she is slurring her words and getting louder and louder.  She has to know she is overdoing the drinking, but doesn't care.

Oh, I think lots of non-drinkers live with alcoholics!

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Re: real housewives of new york......7/25/, spoilers, gossip

@DREAMON wrote:

@winamac1 wrote:


I remember seeing Dorinda and Luanne smoke before, but never Carole. Was pretty surprised aby Carole smoking. Especially after running a marathon!!! They do seem to show Dorinda smoking more now , didn't see Luanne smoking though. Wonder who they will replace Carole with?? Should be interesting! 

I could not believe Carole was smoking--ridiculous.  I've never seen Bethenny or Ramona smoke 

Now Carole  knows she is being filmed and should assume people are going to wonder why intelligent woman who is a runner and has a husband who died of cancer is smoking on TV.

She truly is not one I'd assume would smoke.  I don't care for her and her haughty demeanor, but she seems fairly intelligent.  It makes 0 sense!

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Re: real housewives of new york......7/25/, spoilers, gossip


"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: real housewives of new york......7/25/, spoilers, gossip

@stevieb wrote:

@winamac1 wrote:

@Big Sister wrote:

Dorinda's "boyfriend" John and she get along well because they are both drinkers.  Someone who is sober could not "live" with someone who is an alcoholic.


I am sure Dorinda has seen previous tapes where she is slurring her words and getting louder and louder.  She has to know she is overdoing the drinking, but doesn't care.

@Big Sister

Dorinda's problem, IMO, is far bigger than any of the other women's problem.  She is seriously in denial and it's almost embarrasing to watch her.  She has no clue what she's doing as she is in denial and does not think she has a problem.  It's disgusting.

The other thing about Dorinda that's actually sort of frightening is that she seems to escalate so quickly and lose any sort of censor or control so easily... 


I agree Stevie.  Dorinda is fine one minute, and the next minute, she starts with her yelling, slurring her words and as mentioned before waving gesticular motions with her hands.  It is almost sad to watch.  I don't think Dorinda will ever stop drinking as she doesn't think she has a problem.  She has the biggest problem of all of those women. 


The rest of them mostly keep it together. I think Carole doesn't drink much at all, and Bethenny keeps it together for the most part (concerning her drinking).  Bethenny is emotional with our without alcohol.


Lu has far less of a problem than Dorinda does.  Tinsley drinks quite a bit, but she usually is mild tempered unless aggravated. 

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Re: real housewives of new york......7/25/, spoilers, gossip

After watching Dorinda on WWHL tonight,  she is even more in denial than I thought. She is still saying she doesn't have a problem with alcohol.  She was trying to blame Louanne for not saying she was sorry.   If she can watch all of that and still say she doesn't have a problem,  she has a major problem.  I would think her daughter would step in and try to help.  I also think that Bravo should not show her until she gets some type of help,  but that is not going to happen.  I think she needs an intervention.