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real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

hi ladies! last night was jersey night. i got home late and did not have the chance to begin a thread. i have not had a chance to watch it yet, but will catch up over the weekend.


last weeks episode had 1.29 million viewers. this is a drop from last seasons episodes. last season ranged from a low of 1.37 million to a high of 1.94 million.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

I think viewers may be getting sick and tired of seeing the same old bickering every week. I don't think I have ever seen an episode of HW's without the fighting.

That being said I still tune in. 

I think Danielle is the one who is not telling the truth in last nights episode. I just don't see Dolores saying those things about Teresa unless it was said in a joking way.

Siggy has gotten so obnoxious and dramatic...what the heck has happened to her? 

It will be interesting to see how Tre, Joe, and Melissa work together in the new restaurant. I don't think Melissa will have much to do with it.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

I wouldn't trust Delores as far as I could throw her. I remember a few seasons back how she was "thick as thieves" with that nasty thug Caroline Manzo so why Teresa would trust anything she says. Delores protested too much  with vulgarity. I think she did say it. I also think unless you are Teresa family then she does not care for you. She is in it for the money and Delores just put her foot in her mouth by speaking the truth in front of Danielle who wants to stay on the show and to make a comeback. 


Otherwise I am liking Melissa a lot more this year then I have in the past. From Teresa's instagram this past summer it seems the SIL's have remained close and friendly so I hope it lasts.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

Another screaming match of NJ wives. Siggy needs to go, she is over acting. Danielle was on WWHL and told Andy she has proof of what Delores said so guess we have to wait for reunion for that to come out. Teresa's Dad seems agitated living with teresa & her kids screaming, hope he can find a small condo near her. 

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

I wonder how many times this season we'll hear Teresa's dad say mama mia? I don't think he'll want to stay in that house with those kids for very long. I think Melissa was right when she said that Tre is afraid to discipline those kids because she doesn't want them to be mad at her. 


Wouldn't it be nice for all of these women to be in the same place together and actually get a long. Why does every occasion have to erupt into a yelling match? 


Why does Tre need hair and makeup people to go to a handbag/jewelry cocktail party at Siggy's house? Ridiculous!


I still watch this bunch but find myself less and less interested. 


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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

I'm confused about Dolores being tight with Carolyn.  She just joined the cast last year with Siggy.  Was this on Carolyn's other show?  I don't remember Dolores at all.  I'm not a Danielle fan and am not happy she returned so I just can't be objective about her.  I think she's trash and a liar.


Siggy is just too much with the crying.  She was a cryer last year with her kids and seemed to smother them.  Actually I think she smothers everyone. 


I do think Melissa was right about Tre with the kids.  Tre acts like she is the way she is with the kids because Joe is gone but those kids have always acted the way they act now and Tre never seemed to be much into discipline with them.  She can't blame this on Joe being gone.  But while I think Mel is right, I don't think she should have said anything to Tre.  It's not her business.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

I wouldn't trust Delores as far as I could throw her. I remember a few seasons back how she was "thick as thieves" with that nasty thug Caroline Manzo so why Teresa would trust anything she says. Delores protested too much  with vulgarity. I think she did say it. I also think unless you are Teresa family then she does not care for you. She is in it for the money and Delores just put her foot in her mouth by speaking the truth in front of Danielle who wants to stay on the show and to make a comeback. 


Otherwise I am liking Melissa a lot more this year then I have in the past. From Teresa's instagram this past summer it seems the SIL's have remained close and friendly so I hope it lasts.

I like Melissa more this season too.

I don't remember Dolores being on the show years ago as Carolines friend. I thought she was just introduced last season.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

Dolores is an independent thinker.


Danielle's persona has changed to a woman who would have tears to show emotions. This is not the Danielle of yesterday. However that does not mean she would not want

compensation for the past and some revenge and alter her actions to have satisfaction.


Proving yourself to improve your position in a friendship is not having a friendship.


What happened with the cake was wrong but is over. The cake was given to Melissa, a gift, and should have been respected as one. She did insult the giver of the gift by tossing it around and should own it by acknowledging the wrong and hurt it caused.


Teresa is out for the money and for attention anyway she can get it.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

I see Tre is returning to her nasty self coming down on her SIL Melissa.

She harbors anger and wants revenge, always.

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Re: real housewives of new jersey....10/25/17..."news," spoilers, gossip

I saw the rest of the episode yesterday.


Not buying Danielle's act for one minute and I don't believe Dolores said anything that Danielle is claiming.  From the start, Dolores was not happy about Danielle coming back to the show. She has been making comments all along about the other women embracing Danielle but she didn't trust her.  So why would she say anything like that to Danielle, even if she did think that?  She wouldn't.


That whole thing was so silly and staged on Danielle's part.  As soon as Tre got in the car she couldn't wait to tell her but first she made sure she told Tre she doesn't get involved in other relationships.  I guess she decided to make an exception this time. 


I guess now we have cakegate with Siggy. She needs to let it go already.  Yeah it was wrong but there was no reason for her to embarrass Melissa like that in front of a bunch of strangers (to Mel) and the lying on the floor was so over the top.