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Re: do doRe: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip



i do find one of her confessional statements interesting. she doesnt mention dating, or love, or a connection, or common interests.........but she does say......


“Going from nothing to everything is pretty amazing,” Erika said in her confessional. “I was broke and I was a cocktail waitress and Mr. Girardi was my customer for a year.”


She wanted to get out of her normal, mundane life.  She chose a much older and extremely wealthy man to help her escape to a life of luxury.  I actually think Tom is an attractive man due to his personality (from what I can see), drive and intelligence.  I do think she sought out an older and very well off man.  I can't see her looking for a blue-collar individual.

@winamac1,  I do agree with you about Erika marrying Tom for his money.  I find it extremely hard to believe that if he was some average man, she'd have given him a second glance.


Secondly, if she did marry him for his money (which I think she did), does anyone think she'd admit that?  LOL  Does anyone really think in her confessionals she's going to say oh yeah.  I was a cocktail waitress, had nothing, saw Tom and decided to stick my claws into him because I knew he was loaded. 


Thirdly, Tom might not be senile but he's a man.  An older man.  And Erika is a young, gorgeous woman.  What man wouldn't think it's an accomplishment to land someone that looks like Erika and walk into firm functions, etc. with her on his arm?  There was something in this arrangement for both of them.


If she knew Tom for a year as a cocktail waitress, she knew darn well he had money.     

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Re: do doRe: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip




i do find one of her confessional statements interesting. she doesnt mention dating, or love, or a connection, or common interests.........but she does say......


“Going from nothing to everything is pretty amazing,” Erika said in her confessional. “I was broke and I was a cocktail waitress and Mr. Girardi was my customer for a year.”


She wanted to get out of her normal, mundane life.  She chose a much older and extremely wealthy man to help her escape to a life of luxury.  I actually think Tom is an attractive man due to his personality (from what I can see), drive and intelligence.  I do think she sought out an older and very well off man.  I can't see her looking for a blue-collar individual.

@winamac1,  I do agree with you about Erika marrying Tom for his money.  I find it extremely hard to believe that if he was some average man, she'd have given him a second glance.


Secondly, if she did marry him for his money (which I think she did), does anyone think she'd admit that?  LOL  Does anyone really think in her confessionals she's going to say oh yeah.  I was a cocktail waitress, had nothing, saw Tom and decided to stick my claws into him because I knew he was loaded. 


Thirdly, Tom might not be senile but he's a man.  An older man.  And Erika is a young, gorgeous woman.  What man wouldn't think it's an accomplishment to land someone that looks like Erika and walk into firm functions, etc. with her on his arm?  There was something in this arrangement for both of them.


If she knew Tom for a year as a cocktail waitress, she knew darn well he had money.     

@Lipstickdiva Again, he pursued her.  He came to where she worked.  She did not ask him out, he asked her out, and that was after a year.  If she were a calculating person, she would be a very slow, poorly operating calculator.  The assertion that their marriage isn't genuine just because they don't fawn all over each other on camera is lame.  Some people don't care for public displays of affection.  If she just wanted him for his money, she wouldn't have been married to him for 19 years.  She has publicly stated that she does not have a prenup, so there is nothing keeping her from divorcing him and taking half of the money he earned during their marriage.  His law firm regularly wins cases that award judgements of several billion dollars.  I think it's safe to say that Tom is very wealthy, and a divorce settlment would keep her more than comfortable and in the lifestyle to which she's grown accustomed.  Considering the facts, there is no logic behind any of the accusations about her intentions being nefarious.  

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Re: do doRe: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip

I watched the show last night. LOL about Teddi going to Kyle for fashion advice!

I really do like Teddi a lot, and have yet to disagree w/ anything she's done or said.


As far as Erika leaving the beach house...she seems the type who'd prefer to remain aloof, & not want to share morning bathrooms, etc. 

But she should've expected people to think 'that was weird', & been aware that it'd offend the hostess.

(Does anyone believe she stayed at a Doubletree?)


Teddi was right. Why go to the trouble of choosing a room, etc., then leaving?


Hey, I feel mean saying this, but do any of you know if Kyle has had some type of dental implants or work of some kind? Particularly the top front teeth. Sometimes when she dips her head and smiles, they look like dentures to me.   Smiley Frustrated

Muddling through...
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Re: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip

Erika may be telling the truth about the pre-nup, maybe she isn't.  There are also other agreements they could have, like a post-nup.  Or maybe they have nothing.


My opinion is the marriage is a sham.  Period.  It's just my opinion, like others have their opinion.

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Re: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip


Erika may be telling the truth about the pre-nup, maybe she isn't.  There are also other agreements they could have, like a post-nup.  Or maybe they have nothing.


My opinion is the marriage is a sham.  Period.  It's just my opinion, like others have their opinion.

@Lipstickdiva My opinion is that the moon is made of cheese.  Now we've both formed opinions based on the available facts, right?

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Re: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip



Erika may be telling the truth about the pre-nup, maybe she isn't.  There are also other agreements they could have, like a post-nup.  Or maybe they have nothing.


My opinion is the marriage is a sham.  Period.  It's just my opinion, like others have their opinion.

@Lipstickdiva My opinion is that the moon is made of cheese.  Now we've both formed opinions based on the available facts, right?

To be kind, I don't really what you think the moon is made out of.  LOL


These threads are supposed to be fun, light-hearted threads about a reality show.  We generally never have an issue.  We post our opinions, we don't always agree, but we say what we have to say and move on.  There isn't anything to get rude or snide about on reality show threads.


But when posters start to take things seriously and picking apart opinions they don't like, it ruins this for everyone. 


I hope this isn't the turn these threads are going to take.

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Re: do doRe: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip

@TenderMercies, based on your comments about Erika and Tom's relationship and courting period, I assume you have inside info on their lives, perhaps even friends of theirs.  That's the only reason I can think of for you taking things so personally about a reality personality and her relationship story that she's chosen to present on tv.   If so, kudos to you for being such a good friend to her and having her back.   If not, you really don't know how much more accurate your take on it is than the other posters.  Bottom line, people are talking about her and that's all she cares about. 

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Re: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip

I and many others have been posting on these HW threads for years.  I know I appreciate Sunshine starting these threads and enjoy posting on them.

We all know it is just a reality show and the posts are all our opinions.

I am almost positive that none of us know these reality stars personally.

I have no idea why anyone would want to be argumentative about opinions.

What happened to the IGNORE option?


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Posts: 16,938
Registered: ‎12-29-2010

Re: do doRe: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip





i do find one of her confessional statements interesting. she doesnt mention dating, or love, or a connection, or common interests.........but she does say......


“Going from nothing to everything is pretty amazing,” Erika said in her confessional. “I was broke and I was a cocktail waitress and Mr. Girardi was my customer for a year.”


She wanted to get out of her normal, mundane life.  She chose a much older and extremely wealthy man to help her escape to a life of luxury.  I actually think Tom is an attractive man due to his personality (from what I can see), drive and intelligence.  I do think she sought out an older and very well off man.  I can't see her looking for a blue-collar individual.

@winamac1,  I do agree with you about Erika marrying Tom for his money.  I find it extremely hard to believe that if he was some average man, she'd have given him a second glance.


Secondly, if she did marry him for his money (which I think she did), does anyone think she'd admit that?  LOL  Does anyone really think in her confessionals she's going to say oh yeah.  I was a cocktail waitress, had nothing, saw Tom and decided to stick my claws into him because I knew he was loaded. 


Thirdly, Tom might not be senile but he's a man.  An older man.  And Erika is a young, gorgeous woman.  What man wouldn't think it's an accomplishment to land someone that looks like Erika and walk into firm functions, etc. with her on his arm?  There was something in this arrangement for both of them.


If she knew Tom for a year as a cocktail waitress, she knew darn well he had money.     

@Lipstickdiva Again, he pursued her.  He came to where she worked.  She did not ask him out, he asked her out, and that was after a year.  If she were a calculating person, she would be a very slow, poorly operating calculator.  The assertion that their marriage isn't genuine just because they don't fawn all over each other on camera is lame.  Some people don't care for public displays of affection.  If she just wanted him for his money, she wouldn't have been married to him for 19 years.  She has publicly stated that she does not have a prenup, so there is nothing keeping her from divorcing him and taking half of the money he earned during their marriage.  His law firm regularly wins cases that award judgements of several billion dollars.  I think it's safe to say that Tom is very wealthy, and a divorce settlment would keep her more than comfortable and in the lifestyle to which she's grown accustomed.  Considering the facts, there is no logic behind any of the accusations about her intentions being nefarious.  



You have absolutely no idea if he pursued her or not.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Registered: ‎12-29-2010

Re: real housewives of beverly hills....2/13/, spoilers, gossip



I have 0 interest in any book by Erika Jayne/Girardi.


Her claim to fame is being a cocktail waitress (nothing wrong with that), and looking for an older, extremely wealthy man to get her out of her job and take care of her.


She's cold and calculating and I see why she has few female friends.  She doesn't play nice in the sandbox with other women as far as being open to criticism and the challenges that can go along with female friendships.  She surrounds herself with gay men as they are employed by her and s#ck up to her.


I do not think she's a good singer, and her dancing is marginal.  She has an arrogance to her that I do not care for either--similar to Kim Zolciak.  These women who came from nothing, have a lot now and have a haugtiness to them doesn't bode well with me.  


I really like Teddi.  She seems real and grounded and appears to just be a nice person.  Even LVP is warming up in my opinion this season.  Dorit just drives me nuts, and I still don't trust Rinna as far as I can throw her.


Dorit and PK (Bubbie)'s relationship just seems forced and fake.  I don't trust that relationship or them.

@winamac1@Daisy Sunflower I think when Erika first came on the show, I liked her and thought hey she is direct and honest, but the more I saw her and got to know her, I agree with Winamac, she is very hard to like, and has an air about herself now. I do not like Kim Zolniak at all either-never did though! Erika, I did start off liking, but no longer care for her.....Dorit is the one the producers told this year to act out and get things started, because it just seems so obvious to me, especially after how Erika and Lisa Rinna acted to her last season, and how upset she was....Now look at her doing a lot of the same/...Oh well I guess that is what makes these shows interesting! lol!!!!!! 




I actually really liked Erika the first season. Now, I can't stand her.  She's super haughty.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"