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"X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

Wondering if anyone beside me caught the continuing adventures of Mulder and Scully.


I'll continue to watch, as long as the plot and sub-plots engage my interest.


David D. looked rather old, yet he's only 57.  Am not one to keep up with the Hollywood set, so don't know if he's been ill or having difficult life issues.


Was glad to see the return of cast members from the original run.

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

When going over whats upcoming to record on my dvr I was surprised to see "The X Files" set to record. Somehow I never heard it was returning. I recorded it and will watch it tonight. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

I did...not as good as the old X files was in my opinion...

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

[ Edited ]

Yes, I watched the episode last night between the many, many commercials.  Smart if you recorded it.  I hope they leave this conspiracy thing alone for awhile and get back to the unusual phenomena ones.  


And do agree Scully looked a lot better than Mulder!



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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

I am extremely disappointed in the plot with Cancer Man....ridiculous, IMO.


I won't say anything more because of spoiling the episode for others. But if you've watched it, I'd like to know your opinion. Surely I can't be the only one who was disappointed.

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

@PamelaSue72 wrote:

I am extremely disappointed in the plot with Cancer Man....ridiculous, IMO.


I won't say anything more because of spoiling the episode for others. But if you've watched it, I'd like to know your opinion. Surely I can't be the only one who was disappointed.

See my answer above.  Enough of this conspiracy stuff which is getting more and more convuluted (sp?).  Get on with the spooky stuff.

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

I didn't care for the first episode at all.  I will give it one more chance.  I hope the smoker is wrong and that the child is M's.

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

DH and I have been watching (and totally enjoying ) the first 4 seasons of Xfiles lately so I was excited to see a new season. Ugh..what a disappointment. I hardly recognized Mulder (even his voice was different....a X file double perhaps?) and the plot was so goofy it was funny. Car chases took up half the program and the rest left me (and DH)???? They can do better.

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

The episode had an odd feeling to it.  It was like Chris Carter was replaced by Michael Bay.  The montage at the beginning was reminiscent of the ones you see in the comic book movies from the early 2000's, and the car chases were out of The Fast and the Furious.  There was so much high drama, too.  That shoving match between Moulder and Skinner looked forced.  You could almost hear the two actors saying "You want us to do WHAT?" before they shot that scene.  I think Skinner is going to try to be a double agent and play both sides.  Duchovny looks like he aged 10 years since last season, and Anderson was pretty much useless for the whole episode.  While the subject matter has always been innovative and forward thinking, the X-Files has always had an easy charm about it.  I hope this new slick look and feel is short lived.  

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Re: "X-Files:" Season 11, Episode 1, Wednesday, 3 Jan - Anyone Watch?

It doesn't compare to the original series, so very disappointing.  Mulder's voice sounded so unpleasant, lol, and I don't think the acting is good now of either of them, but since we learned that his child is not his by blood, may tune in one more time, if I can remember.