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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

@Oznell wrote:

Classic psychological horror film.  Cute little girl (Patty McCormack) with a cloying manner turns out to be a sociopath, with a genetic "legacy" of evil.  Her intelligent but slightly overwrought mother (theatrically but very well played by Nancy Kelly) starts to notice that very bad things have happened to people who have crossed her pig-tailed daughter. 


This movie has so many wonderful character actors, including Henry Jones as the somewhat cracked building janitor, Eileen Heckart as a mother of a little boy at Patty's school, and hunky Dennis Hopper ("Paul Drake" in Perry Mason) as Patty's concerned but oblivious father, among others.


Entertaining film, and at the same time raises very interesting moral and psychological issues...

This movie is amazing.  Patty Mccormack is fantastic in it.  So many amazing characters.  Eileen Heckart acting in this movie is award winning.   

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

The Bad Seed  has always been one of my favorites!!  So horrifying, but in such a fascinating way!!  When in high school, this story was presented as a senior class play.  One of my best friends got the part of the that evil girl!  She played the role exactly like in the movie ...wonderful.

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Patty McCormack in the Bad Seed is a classic. I was just watching one of those light romance movies on Hallmark Channel titled "Elevator Girl". Patty McCormack played the go between to get her boss hooked up with a woman he had met on the elevator. Hence the name. Had absolutely no idea that was her until I saw the credits. She looked absolutely fine, but I didn't recognize her. If you ever have a chance to see this movie do itl  You'll enjoy it.

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Getting ready to watch it. I just turned on TCM


. Excited for a Friday afternoon movie!

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Don't want to spoil the ending for anybody else but:

I watched it and enjoyed it a lot. I didn't understand the ending. I thought Rhoda was going to visit her mother at the hospital. Can you clear up the ending for me? Thanks.

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

@threecees wrote:

Don't want to spoil the ending for anybody else but:

I watched it and enjoyed it a lot. I didn't understand the ending. I thought Rhoda was going to visit her mother at the hospital. Can you clear up the ending for me? Thanks.

Her mother told her that she threw the penmanship medal in the pilings at the end of the dock to dispose of the evidence, so Rhoda was going to retrieve it.

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Thanks Tender Mercies, that makes sense now.

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Bad Seed




One of the most influential films of my formative years.  This and Lord of the Flies (1963) convinced me to skip having children.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Wonderful movie.  Eileen Heckart, wonderful, but then isn't she always. I recorded it decades ago, then later bought an inexpensive DVD.


I watched No Way to Treat a Lady the other night, again, and she was superb.

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Re: "The Bad Seed" TCM Friday 4:30 p.m. Eastern

@TenderMercies wrote:

I was lucky enough to see Eileen Heckart’s final stage performance in “The Waverly Gallery” Off-Broadway.  She was brilliant. I believe she gives the best performance in this film as the mother of the ill-fated Claude.  Her sad, drunken performance is heart wrenching.



@TenderMercies  I agree.  I thought she was superb in No Way to Treat a Lady." Smiley Happy