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The State of New Mexico has issued the maximum fine of $137,000, to the producers of the film Rust for safety violations on the set.  This is the film where Alec Baldwin allegedly shot and killed the cinematographer.


The criminal investigation has not been resolved and continues.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Is that just $137K???


Please tell me we are missing a ton of zeros after that....

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That's like petty cash. Wow!

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Well they don't want to scare off the movie folks now do they?  Absurd!  Why bother for that amount? 

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@RespectLife    Yes, that correct and it's the maximum allowed by law.  This is a fine for poor safety practices, not restitution.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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That finding does not bode well for whoever will be criminally charged.

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@Pearlee    That's what I was thinking, both in criminal and civil liability!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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It was a workplace accident. They documented several previous incidences with gun safety on that set.  I would have expected heavier fines but I think they didn't want to discourage films being made in AZ.  I know people hate Baldwin because he's Baldwin and they want to destroy his life but this was an accident that the armorer on the set caused by failure to do her job properly.  Baldwin had no reason to think there was live ammunition on that gun.  I doubt there will be any criminal charges but there will be a civil suit against the production company, the armorer's employer.  And the families will definitely file a civil suit against Baldwin because he has some very deep pockets.  


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Every time you pick up a gun you assume it has live ammunition.  

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@chrystaltree wrote:

It was a workplace accident. They documented several previous incidences with gun safety on that set.  I would have expected heavier fines but I think they didn't want to discourage films being made in AZ.  I know people hate Baldwin because he's Baldwin and they want to destroy his life but this was an accident that the armorer on the set caused by failure to do her job properly.  Baldwin had no reason to think there was live ammunition on that gun.  I doubt there will be any criminal charges but there will be a civil suit against the production company, the armorer's employer.  And the families will definitely file a civil suit against Baldwin because he has some very deep pockets.  


@chrystaltree   I do not "hate" him or expect him to pay because he is rich;  I expect him to admit his responsibility in this tragedy.


To go on TV and say he never fired the gun and come off as the victim is wrong on several levels.


Regardless of this gun not being prepared properly, there have been other safety issues on this set.


Baldwin isn't just an actor here; he is also a producer and since the movie is also owned by him, it was up to him to make sure that all safety protocols were followed.


His "assumption" cost the life of another person. 


Considering all his huffing an puffing against guns, he sure doesn't mind using them to make his pockets even deeper by producing a movie with gun violence.



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