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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

@bri20 wrote:

I read that there is speculation that Peta is pregnant.  Maybe she is.  We'll have to wait and see.


Also, there is speculation that Witney Carson is pregnant. 

It wouldn't surprise me about Peta. Maks had made no secret in the past how much he wants to be a father. According to some gossip, that's why he broke up with Karina - she wasn't ready to give up her career, or put it on hold. 


Since Witney is married, I'm not surprised at this either. Smiley Happy

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

@twinsister wrote:

So happy that Nyle and Peta won!

Me too!  I just do not "get" how Nyle does it!


How about his red-headed twin?

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

Congratulations to Nyle and Peta.  Well done and well deserved win.  Heart

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

I was very disappointed with the winner. When he got cocky that did it for me. It is amazing what he can do but when he thinks he is all that it turned me off. He was often not in step with the music and I know he could not hear it but they said they would not make any difference in the scores. So he should not have received all those 10. Paige was robbed.

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

Glad that Nyles won!

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

@beach-mom wrote:

@bri20 wrote:

I read that there is speculation that Peta is pregnant.  Maybe she is.  We'll have to wait and see.


Also, there is speculation that Witney Carson is pregnant. 

It wouldn't surprise me about Peta. Maks had made no secret in the past how much he wants to be a father. According to some gossip, that's why he broke up with Karina - she wasn't ready to give up her career, or put it on hold. 


Since Witney is married, I'm not surprised at this either. Smiley Happy

Well, if I can't have Maks, then I am glad it's Peta!  I like her and think that is fabulous IF she and Maks are expecting. 

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

@jackiejenny wrote:

Well, if I can't have Maks, then I am glad it's Peta!  I like her and think that is fabulous IF she and Maks are expecting. 

LOL! DD is holding out for Val! She actually did meet Mark at a bar when she and her friends from college went to NYC for the weekend a few years ago. She said he's a really nice person and he posed for pictures willingly. When it was her turn, she said something about how she always watched the show, and he "dipped" her. It's one of her favorite pics! Smiley Happy

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

It's always nice when a baby is coming into the world and it's parents are looking forward to it.

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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

[ Edited ]

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

So if they can put a deaf person on a dancing show, they should be able to put people in wheelchairs in game shows and other shows.


Why don't they let people with artificial limbs compete on like The Price Is Right?  My guess is everyone has to sign something where they won't sue anyway, they should be able to win money too!


There are people who aren't 'perfect' in their appearance for one reason or another.  So what!  They should be able to be on game shows and stuff.


This show has had several people who have challenges in their life.  They've held their own against everyone.  That should show producers of other shows they are capable of doing anything!

@Annabellethecat66 - Just a few examples that spring to mind:  "Jeopardy" has had a blind contestant.  This past week they had a woman in a wheelchair.


"Wheel of Fortune" has had a number of contestants over the years with various disabilities or "challenges" - they have always made accommodations for them.  One man had to have his brother with him to spin for him.


I haven't noticed that game shows discriminate on that basis, but then I don't watch them all.


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Re: dancing with the stars FINALE 5/23/16 with spoilers

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I was hoping Ginger would win.