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I had to laugh at the person who would rather watch eye surgery than toe surgery.  I had my first cataract removed last week, and my surgeon said that he was originally going into orthopedics until he discovered that he would be tending to people's toenails.  He decided to go into ophthalmology instead.  I asked him wny these patients weren't seeing a podiatrist, but he replied that in his internship, they used orthopedic mds.  By the way, I'm a registered nurse, and could never watch eye surgery.

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I am watching it.  It is gruesome.  I saw a little bit of the TLC one too and that equally disgusting and disturbing.  However, much like with Dr. Pimple Popper, I cannot resist.  I think she paved the way for these new shows.  People love being grossed out.  It's like watching Hoarders. These people are so incredibly disgustingand their levels of filth are so shocking that it makes me sick but I have to watch it, and I am often inspired to immediately go clean everyhthing afterwards!  Seriously!  Similarly, my 600lb life inspires me that I can keep on with my diet, especially if these people can.

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It may be gross to look at, but you never know what will happen to you as you as you age or if you are stricken with a medical condition.  There have to be people that can take care of feet, just like any other part of the body.  Feet are also a part of the body that are neglected by many people.  I don't find any of these shows difficult to watch.  It's life.  

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@shaggygirl wrote:

Thank heavens for doctors who are willing to care for and treat or do surgery on conditions that some find disgusting or nauseating because they find it fascinating. Gynecologists treating cervical and other female type cancer. Proctologists treating hemorhoids and other butt issues. Doctors treating terribly burned patients. Eye doctors. Personally I'd rather watch Toe Bro than a doctor going into somebody's eyeball. 

@shaggygirl   LOL - Then you wouldn't want to come with me to my Retina Specialist every 8 weeks.  Next month, I will get my 33rd injection right into my eyeball.  My hubby comes into the room with me and still finds it unsettling. I have a nice young doctor, who shows us videos of his baby while my eye is "numbing up" and then he says "look up and to the the left" and then I know what's coming.  I don't feel a thing.


I have also had an ingrown toenail removed many years ago and between the two, I think I would rather have the eye injection, although I don't remember feeling anything with the toenail either - but just thinking about it now, gives me the creeps.  LOL

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I've seen a lot of eye issues as several people in my family had eye diseases. I think the feet issues shown on the foot doctor show are pretty unusual and tough to watch. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they have doctors to help them. I have a friend that works for a derm and says certain things the doctor does grosses her out but he enjoys it a lot lol.

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It is gross and so is pimple popper but so happy to see the end result and people being able to be happy or painless again.  I just said the other day that it is wonderful that people like to do all kinds of jobs so everything is covered.  

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OMG you have my undying admiration. I can't even imagine. I'd have to be darted each & every time.....before I even left the house.......put me out, wake me when I'm back home.

@sophiamarie wrote:

@shaggygirl wrote:

Thank heavens for doctors who are willing to care for and treat or do surgery on conditions that some find disgusting or nauseating because they find it fascinating. Gynecologists treating cervical and other female type cancer. Proctologists treating hemorhoids and other butt issues. Doctors treating terribly burned patients. Eye doctors. Personally I'd rather watch Toe Bro than a doctor going into somebody's eyeball. 

@shaggygirl   LOL - Then you wouldn't want to come with me to my Retina Specialist every 8 weeks.  Next month, I will get my 33rd injection right into my eyeball.  My hubby comes into the room with me and still finds it unsettling. I have a nice young doctor, who shows us videos of his baby while my eye is "numbing up" and then he says "look up and to the the left" and then I know what's coming.  I don't feel a thing.


I have also had an ingrown toenail removed many years ago and between the two, I think I would rather have the eye injection, although I don't remember feeling anything with the toenail either - but just thinking about it now, gives me the creeps.  LOL