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you can watch him on U tube, also

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That is one show I just cannot watch.  Dr. Pimple Popper, I love that show....all that stuff oozing out.....


But when it comes to people's feet....I'm out!  It's amazing how narly people's feet can be.


I hate it on QVC when they show people wearing sandals.  Those ladies have nice feet but I still don't like looking at them.


I remember on Dr. Pimple Popper a guy came in and he had layers and layers of skin over his feet and I had to right away delete the show.



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Re: anybody watch Toe Bro

[ Edited ]

Some might think it's a lousy job, but someone has to do it.  Thank goodness for the Toe Bro.

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I think TLC also has show about foot drs., I think it's called My Feet Are Killing Me or somehting like that.  I saw a little of part of an episode when they showed a preview after Dr. Pimple Popper.  I could only take a couple of minutes of it! 


Dr. Pimple Popper had an old gentleman on her show recently that had scaly stuff all over his feet & much of his body & I just couldn't watch it.  I can watch her popping zits all day, but gross scaly feet just oouk me out!

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@aubnwa01 wrote:

I think TLC also has show about foot drs., I think it's called My Feet Are Killing Me or somehting like that.  I saw a little of part of an episode when they showed a preview after Dr. Pimple Popper.  I could only take a couple of minutes of it! 


Dr. Pimple Popper had an old gentleman on her show recently that had scaly stuff all over his feet & much of his body & I just couldn't watch it.  I can watch her popping zits all day, but gross scaly feet just oouk me out!

@aubnwa01  That must be the name of the show I caught a small portion of. I couldn't take it either lol.

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@aubnwa01   That man had icthyosis and she showed  him and his son how to take care of it.  She smeared vaseline all over his legs, then put a damp sock on, then wrapped it in saran wrap and then a compression stocking.  She told him to keep it from dryiing up and when he went back (don't know how long it took) it looked 80% better.  He just didn't know how to take care of the problem.  Dry, scaly skin.


I think a lot of these people should be going to surgeons, considering the type of things she does to them.  I think I would rather be "put out" rather than just a shot of lidocaine.

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@sophiamarie wrote:

@aubnwa01   That man had icthyosis and she showed  him and his son how to take care of it.  She smeared vaseline all over his legs, then put a damp sock on, then wrapped it in saran wrap and then a compression stocking.  She told him to keep it from dryiing up and when he went back (don't know how long it took) it looked 80% better.  He just didn't know how to take care of the problem.  Dry, scaly skin.


I think a lot of these people should be going to surgeons, considering the type of things she does to them.  I think I would rather be "put out" rather than just a shot of lidocaine.

@sophiamarie  I've thought the same thing about the patients going to surgeons. Some of these growths etc. she removes are huge. They've got to feel something, and it's seems it would be safer in a hospital setting but I really don't know.

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DH wanted to see what this was like.  OMG --- I had to turn my head.  Ewwww --- so awful.  Nope --- not for me.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Thank heavens for doctors who are willing to care for and treat or do surgery on conditions that some find disgusting or nauseating because they find it fascinating. Gynecologists treating cervical and other female type cancer. Proctologists treating hemorhoids and other butt issues. Doctors treating terribly burned patients. Eye doctors. Personally I'd rather watch Toe Bro than a doctor going into somebody's eyeball. 

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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

@shaggygirl wrote:

Thank heavens for doctors who are willing to care for and treat or do surgery on conditions that some find disgusting or nauseating because they find it fascinating. Gynecologists treating cervical and other female type cancer. Proctologists treating hemorhoids and other butt issues. Doctors treating terribly burned patients. Eye doctors. Personally I'd rather watch Toe Bro than a doctor going into somebody's eyeball. 



I completely agree.   But I don't want to watch it.

When I hear someone (my kids, friends) mock the doctors, I tell them yeah it's funny until it happens to you.    Those doctors perform a great service.