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I have been watching Y&R for years now and have a question for all you out there who also follow this.   Why do you think there have been so many different Billy Abbotts?


Thanks in advance.


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That's a good question and I don't think it's because the character is overly complex and requires more effort on the part of the actor.  I think it has to do with contract/money issues.  Y&R suits just aren't in the position to hand out raises.  So the actor goes elsewhere.   
~ To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Remain Silent ~
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@Bookbabe @Lyttlewyng  I think she's right.  I think the part of Billy has so many actors in that roll because he's such a likable character.


Sure, he gets into trouble but in the end he is likable.  These kind of actors often get offered other parts (nighttime parts).


This is also true of the actor who plays Nick.  He's very affable and unlikeable in real life too, I think.  The difference is that he seems like he wants a stable kind of job and puts a lot of emphasis on his family (i.e. daytime soap).


I think it mostly boils down to the part than the actor.  I believe (just a guess) that most people really like Billy Miller best in that part.  Also, most people feel like he wanted to do other night time rolls and that's why he went elsewhere.

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Billy Miller is now on General Hospital which is where the new Billy just came from. 

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While I h ave no clue it sure seems that each new Billy is less and less believable as who Billy has been!!  They can't even get the physical look close!!!  I thought the last Billy was finally making the role his.  This new Billy is dark haired, pasty skinned and really uptight looking.  I can't see him ever fitting.

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The new Billy played a dr. on General hospital, in fact he was the son of a dr. played long ago by the singer Rick Springfield. They looked like father and son so I think the part fit him better.
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For me....Billy Miller owned that role and when he didn't re-sign with the show, they had to find a new one......I don't think Burgess was convincing at all and I'm trying to be patient with this newbie, but I keep getting him and Marco mixed up because they look alike to me.

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Well, the first Billy after Mr. Miller was obviously too young looking. The  next replacement took too long for the fans to like him and his acting style.  I, too, was just beginning to think he was making the role his own but it is claimed that Burgess wanted to leave therefore the current replacement was made.  


I think the current actor is doing fine.  It could be that my expectations are lower because the show is failing in so many other way...bad SLs, lack of continuity in SLs, dropped SLs, etc.


The bottom line is that I think if they could have, they would have kept the first Billy Miller replacement.  They should have done more to keep Billy Miller, IMO.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)