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I so admire you @Annabellethecat66 that you have such beautiful memories of your husband.  With your zany and warm personality, I'll bet you had a beautiful, loving marriage.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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I'm really curious to see how Adam gets from his hospital bed to the Halloween party and helps save lives, lol.  I guess Thursday and Friday's shows are going to be really fast paced.


Kevin and the rest of them think that Chloe is talking about dead Delia but she's talking about her just born little girl.  Either way, I don't see how playing along with her helps anything.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Thank you Foxie Sunshine and Cah for the birthday wishes.  This was the best birthday I had in a long time.

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And @Jessa9, if you're like me, you ate as much as you wanted to the point of a tummy ache, lol.  Glad you enjoyed yourself.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Foxxii, when my husband died suddenly, my daughters and I were the only people who saw him at the funeral home.  We had to quickly say good-bye because I had him cremated.


I felt like it was better too because I've never believed in funerals, I believe in celebrating the life someone had.  Mostly, he was in amazing shape (worked out every day, we'd just come from the beach, etc).  He took great pride in his apearance.  I didn't want people looking down on him seeing him dead.  A month later we had a big celebration (showed videos, etc) of his life.


I told my daughters that exactly how I want it when I die.


All I can say about Hillary....."you go girl.  You're lookin' good for laying in a pile of (body waste), no food, etc."  I want to know who does her hair?


Hey Guys!  We've gotta' love our soaps.  Totally void of reality.

Sometimes people are funny in how they process things.. well he will have to assembled on resurrection day...

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Re: Y&R Wed Oct 28

[ Edited ]

@jessa wrote:

Darn I am going to miss it today.  My hubby is taking me out to lunch for my birthday.

Happy Birthday JESSA, you can watch it on youtube....


The Young and the Restless Video - 10/28/2015

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Posts: 1,870
Registered: ‎12-18-2010

Thanks Java.
