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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

Whenever ole Vic gets on my last nerve I head over to the tube and watch this (over and over and over) Go John...miss ya!

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

LOL   Trick or treat !

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

@silkyk @loveschocolate @SharkE @stevieb Ahhh!!  Thanks for that post!  Now we need (OK I) need one where Collin gets his.  I can't stand that character!  I thought someone said he was going to have a beefy role in whatever other soap he's in....I was so hopeful he'd be gone!


There is no way the Jill I know would put up with him acting like he does.  She's too strong of a woman to mess with him.  These writers have ruined Jill.  Now today he's messing with Billy.  I just paused it where he's trying to drill Billy on this big secret.  Don't know if he got it out of him yet.  Speaking of Billy, they've made this character a pig too.  He and Phyllis deserve each other.....


OK, now on to more amazing scenes.  I just finished watching Chelsea and Adam lying on the bed!  Good grief!  He was mightly fine today.  I know she's really good friends with his fiance, but it must seem strange (at least a little bit).  I mean they could talk and laugh about how he kisses.  Ugh!  I could never be married to an actor.  I've never been jealous at all about my husband or even my boyfriends (in the old, old ....(keep going) old days....Ha!

I think I'm going to keep this on my DVR for a day or two!  I just thought it was romantic...yes...romantic...that's the word for it.  Hey!  I'm 70 years old, my husband has been dead for 15 years, I'm not dead...yet...Note to Adam/Justin Hartley..."Thank you".....

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

Lock doors while viewing.

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

OK, so, am I following the story correct?  


Nick, Kevin, Chloe, Sharon all want Dylan to just say to the authorities:


"Yep, I had a man being transferred back to Walworth Pen. but, he was kidnapped, everybody likes the man, so, guess, I'll just go back to my office and bid him and his a fond farewell".



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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

I just read that Amelia Heinle (Victoria), was married to Michael Weatherly (NCIS) and they had a son. Love to read "wikis". 

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

doesn't she have a son around 30 ?

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

Nope, I checked he's 20. I always think because she looks old that her first kid should be around 30 and her 50.

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

Summary for Wednesday, August 31st from


At the police station, Paul’s in an uproar about Adam’s escape. He wonders to Dylan how Chelsea and Connor were transported from the penthouse. Once alone, Dylan opens his computer – he has a security photo of Chelsea in a car and the license plate number. Sharon enters, and he closes the laptop quickly. Dylan agrees to take a break with her. Elsewhere, Paul grills Chloe and Kevin, who wonder why he’s not questioning Nikki. Paul lets them leave.


At the park, Dylan tells Sharon about his lead, and confides that Nick asked him to let Adam go free. Sharon’s impressed. Dylan worries Nikki’s involved somehow, and is torn about what to do. They muse about Adam having no choice but to trust Victor. Dylan understands – he’d make a deal with the devil himself to stay with Sully and Sharon. She decides Nick was right. “Let them go.” Dylan frets about jeopardizing his career and family – withholding evidence is a felony. Sharon asks what he’ll do. He doesn’t know.


In the Club, Neil grumbles to Devon about Hilary keeping his mother’s letters. Cane appears with Lily, who informs Neil this is not just about him, it affects the entire family. Devon defends Hilary. Cane and Lily announce they went to see Neil’s mother who is in an assisted living facility not far away. Neil is irate. He wants nothing to do with that lady. Lily and Cane inform him she’s really sick and they weren’t allowed to see her since they’re not immediate family. They wonder if Neil’s prepared to let her die alone. Neil tells them it’s too late and walks away. Lily sends Devon after him. At the pool bar, Neil grouses to Devon about Cane and Lily. Devon thinks his mother, Lucinda, might have a different viewpoint. He reminds Neil about the power of forgiveness. Later, Devon reports to Lily that Neil has gone to visit Lucinda.


At the cabin safe-house, Chelsea and Adam canoodle in bed and talk optimistically about their new life. After, Connor joins them and they discuss waiting for the plane that Victor has scheduled to come for them tonight. Adam decides to take Connor fishing and amuses Chelsea with his lack of expertise with a fishing rod. There’s more talk about being together forever and how lucky they are. Chelsea checks on Connor - he has a fever and is rubbing his ear. Adam notes he will need antibiotics and can’t fly with an ear infection. He decides Connor must go to the hospital, so he will turn himself in.


At Crimson Lights, Chloe checks in with Esther and Bella. Chloe tells Kevin that Bella’s her whole world. Kevin decides Nick was right and Dylan should back off and let Adam and his family get away. Mariah hears and argues the point – Adam nearly choked a man to death. Chloe says locking Adam up takes another father away from his son. Mariah reminds Chloe she used Adam as a human speed bump. Kevin thinks if Adam’s allowed to go off the grid for good, Chloe and Bella can stay and live in Genoa City.


At the penthouse, Esther returns Bella and then leaves. Chloe notes the place feels empty without Chelsea and Connor. Kevin suggests they mover over to his place. Chloe can’t think past tonight, but thanks him. Kevin offers to stay. Chloe gives him a quick kiss goodnight.


At home, Sharon gets a hang up call. Mariah appears and complains about Kevin’s stance on Adam. Sharon thinks Connor needs his father, like Sully does. She trusts Dylan will do the right thing. Mariah and Sharon are glad they have each other as family.


Paul is knee-deep in dead ends when Dylan returns to the station. He says he may have something – Chelsea’s getaway car.


At the assisted-living facility, Neil hesitantly ventures into Lucinda’s room. He tells her, “It’s me, Neil. Your son.”


A Look Ahead to Thursday, September 1st:


Neil wonders why his mother kept up with his life.


Christine and Paul approach Victor looking to make a deal.


Adam gets a knife in the gut.



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