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Y&R - Sharon and the "Psychic"

I don't know if any of you have ever seen this before, but I go to a Medium. She doesn't like it when you call her a Psychic.

I've been going to a Medium off and on for many years. My Mother and oldest sister went to a Medium for many years.

When my husband died (because the Medium I used to go to moved) I had to find another Medium.

The one I now go to (I only go every few years) is amazing! She is so accurate other family members I've talked to have gone to her.

I know most people don't believe in these people. However, I've (and many I know) have been told things that no one other than myself or family members would know.

She told me exactly what my late husband had on when he died in my arms. Not even my daughters knew that at the time. Even down to the color of the lettering on the shirt he was wearing!

There are so many things she's said one cannot deny her gift.

However, I find it interesting that the writers have decided to have Sharon visit a psychic. I think I'm going to enjoy this part.

Incidentally, before I even knew this was going to come up on the show I'd decided to make another appt with the Medium. I get periodic emails from her. I haven't seen her in probably 5 or 6 years. I'm anxious to see what she has to say.

Posts: 68
Registered: ‎10-08-2014

Re: Y&R - Sharon and the ""Psychic""

If you are comfortable in doing so, what is the rate she charges and is it all dependent on the amount of time she spends with you? Also does she hold an object of yours or use any other means some mediums do?

I really believe in some mediums and there is a whole community of them in Cassadagua which I met with years ago.



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Y&R - Sharon and the ""Psychic""

A Medium and a Psychic are two different things. I've been to both.

I totally believe in them, but the storyline with Sharon was dumb. All she said was that she sensed guilt. Sharon is an idiot - why didn't she sense that? LOL

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Posts: 30,247
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Y&R - Sharon and the ""Psychic""

I've been advised on things to do and to watch out for from the Medium. According to the one I used to go to who advised me, they are words that the individual wants to use.

I've had some near misses thanks to the warnings from the adviser I used to go to. She also advised my daughter and saved the life of a good friend of her's in the process.

Either you believe or you don't. I do agree that this thing with Sharon is a joke. Some of these TV shows on now are ummmmm interesting. I won't say they are fake because I don't know.

I do know how the one's I've gone to act and they don't act the way these TV shows do. I went to the one I go to now and got frustrated because my nephew came through most of the time.

The Medium kept telling me things (she gives you a recording afterwards) that my deceased nephew was telling her (this is my nephew that i hardly knew) and there was no way she'd know he was deceased. I kept saying, "OK", OK.

Then I called my brother (his son is the deceased one) and he said, "Oh! My! That's my son, that's the dog's name we had and so on".

He felt so strong, he, his wife and adult daughter came and talked with the adviser. I kept thinking, "This is my money. I want my husband the whole time". You have no say on how long they come or stay or who it is. That is what is frustrating.

I'm due to go soon. It's been a long time.

Sharon and her junk is one reason people make fun of Mediums.