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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

@trenet wrote:


I, too, enjoyed the scenes with Victor and Adam because of the acting.  Seems like enjoying the sporadic scenes where there is good acting is about all there is - the task of getting the show back on track with both storyline and questionable casting seems beyond the current writers, casting directors and producers. 

@trenet  You said a mouth full. Way beyond their ken.

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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

@kelsey17 wrote:'s show had a few glitches... first of all....i am starting to wonder about was curious they had him show up ...go to the lawyers. etc....BUT what was even more stupid was the fact that Devon hadn't YET hired a detective to find Chance & Tucker and although he had some suspicions about Caine actually let him go look for

Chance............i thought it was suspicious that Caine volunteered and wanted to do it "alone" i guess we have to deal with Caine coming back...not only obnoxious but rich???


Also i find Chelsea's indignation pretty funny with all she has pulled and she would def have said something to Adam about the sting if it meant he wouldn't leave Connor.  Dump her Nick.


Summer couldn't figure out that Phyllis might tell Adam if she slipped?  And Victor should have INSISTED to Summer that it was at his request that Nick NOT tell her but he didn't even stand up to that....and WHO could trust Sharon?.....and Rey was actually investigating a attempted murder....whats his problem...he helped solve the case???hahaa.............


oh well...lets see what the week brings.................

@kelsey17  Nothing they can do with Cane is going to interest me. It'll just be more fodder for the fast forward button.


As for Chelsea, yea, she's got a checkered past, but I'm with her on this one... She called it right... Nick is as intent on screwing with Adam as Adam has been on screwing with the Newmans... Not sure who'll do the dumping... Looks like she might wise up and dump Numbnutz Nick...


Rey, essentially, is pointless...


Hoping Paul can go back on hiatus now...


As for the whole fake will debacle, not only will Cane and Devon be front and center but Lily will soon be back... Looks like a good time to focus my attention on Bold and Beautiful... Y&R needs to be put out to pasture...

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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁


I cannot believe that Devon is such a numbskull!  Well, on second thought, I can.  Cane is gonna investigate himself and his despicable father, Colin.  Unbelieveable!!  Perhaps we'll have the "pleasure" of another Colin visitation.....  Who from the past is next?  Gloria, I hope.  But, no, she made things interesting - duh!


But what really irks me is that Adam gets blamed yet again!  So, Adam and Chance, whom I assume was at the poker table with him as a prelude to his appearance, get nothing, zilch!, so why do these writers insist on taking us on yet another ridiculous journey!  Can these writers ever get past the let's blame it on Adam theme?Woman Frustrated


Nick showed what a wonderful father he is by lying to his children about Victor's demise.  Shows that jealously and vengeance are much more important in Numbnutz's world than the hurtful effects and angst of a child losing a loved one!  Appears to be child abuse so Adam should definitely get full custody of Christian with no visitation allowed:  the Newmans are all a wacked out bunch, imho,


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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

I am another one that liked the scenes between Adam and Victor. They are both excellent actors. On a side note I thought that when they showed Adam playing the tables in Vegas that the person who spoke to him would be shown. Either they will show the person or we're left to guess who it is. I can speculate who it may be.
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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

@DbinMD , the acting scenes between Victor and Adam were outstanding! 

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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

Summary for Wednesday, October 2nd from

At the ranch, Victor worries to Nikki about the ruse’s effect on Newman. Nikki reminds her husband he’s still facing another threat with his blood disease and advises him to let Victoria do her job. Victor hasn’t heard from Summer and has to get through to her. Talk turns to Adam. Victor hopes he makes a good life somewhere else.


At Jabot, Kyle, with Summer, updates Billy on business while he was away. Jack arrives and touches on the Victor situation with Summer, then teases the Mustache isn’t the only one capable of pulling off a surprise. Summer doesn’t want to discuss her grandfather, so Kyle leads her out and urges her to get her feelings off her chest. Summer thanks Kyle for being there for her through all of this. Kyle guesses Theo’s attempt to help fell short. In the office, Jack queries Billy about his gambling addiction. Billy admits he didn’t go to rehab. “I had a break with reality.” Jack learns Billy almost killed Adam, and that Adam doesn’t know. Billy assures him he’s in therapy and Jack’s glad the old Billy’s back. Later, Jack calls Billy and Kyle back in to discuss management. He announces he’s going to be stepping back from the company and will no longer be involved in the day-to-day running of the company. Jack tells them about the book he’s writing with Traci. Billy and Kyle are supportive. Jack wants them both to run Jabot…together. They assure him they’re up to the challenge. Jack declares, “You are the face of Jabot now,” and urges them to cooperate. Jack exits and Billy asks, “So who gets the office?”


In Chancellor Park, Rey thinks Paul owes him an explanation on bending the rule. Paul says it’s his prerogative, but Rey argues he told him going rogue wouldn’t be tolerated. Paul considers it an undercover operation and it was the best shot at nailing Adam. Rey doesn’t believe he’ll stay away.


At Nick’s place, Chelsea is still angry at having to explain to Connor that his grandfather isn’t dead. Nick wants to help him understand. Chelsea has zero trust in him and says he can’t help – he’s the one who lied to him. She’s not giving up on them, but has to do this alone. Nick agrees to go to New Hope since the new building’s opening soon. After, Chelsea tells Connor that Victor’s alive. He wants to tell his dad, who was sad. Chelsea says he knew Victor was alive and left anyway. Connor shouts, “You’re lying!” They’re arguing when Summer arrives. She’ll talk to Connor. Later she tells Chelsea they bonded over being lied to and advises her to let him be angry.


At Crimson Lights, Sharon disconnects from Faith and tells Mariah she’s glad to be away from them at boarding school. She thinks the Newman drama drove Noah away too. Mariah muses sometimes people keep coming back as Rey enters. She wants them to have a fresh start and calls him over to Sharon’s disbelief. Mariah leaves them alone and Rey complains about Adam getting away. Sharon denies knowing where he is when asked and won’t defend him. Rey’s glad she sees him for who he is. Nick arrives to see Sharon. On the patio, Nick apologizes and asks about Faith. Sharon remarks she’s developed coping mechanisms. He’s a good dad but screwed up. Nick is trying to focus on the good – Victor’s alive and Adam’s gone. Nick goes and Mariah reappears. She’s frustrated Nick interrupted Sharon and Rey. She urges her to get back inside and fight for her happiness.


Paul arrives at the ranch, irritated about staking his reputation on Victor’s word while Adam walked away and warns, “No more deals, no more favors.” He is, however, truly glad Victor’s still with them. Later, Victor frets to Nikki about the rift between those who knew and those who did not. Nikki has a plan to keep the family from falling apart. Victor listens and thinks a family get-together is a great idea. “A family that is united is stronger.” Victor expresses his love to her and Nikki tells him he’s the love of her life.


Nick returns home and tries to apologize to Summer, who says she’s not sure anything can fix this. Nick insists Adam was a real threat. Summer feels he treated her like a child, or even worse, like an outsider. She may never be able to forgive that. After Summer storms out, Chelsea asks Nick what he expected. Nick pleads with her not to shut him out. Chelsea needs time alone.


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Kevin receives an offer.

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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

IMO Monday's show was better than average.

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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

[ Edited ]

Later, Jack calls Billy and Kyle back in to discuss management. He announces he’s going to be stepping back from the company and will no longer be involved in the day-to-day running of the company. Jack tells them about the book he’s writing with Traci. Billy and Kyle are supportive. Jack wants them both to run Jabot…together. They assure him they’re up to the challenge. Jack declares, “You are the face of Jabot now,” and urges them to cooperate. Jack exits and Billy asks, “So who gets the office?”


So what is this BS? Jack and Ashley fought tooth and nail to run the company and now we're supposed to believe neither of them wants it... And right, Jack's going to trust psycho Billy to manage Jabot... Get real... This really is all getting to be like something out of Grimm's Classic Fairy Tales...

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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

@trenet wrote:

Since a con is involved, it could be Cane but, it also could be Colin is behind it - especially since he and Jill are divorced. 

@trenet  Careful now, you may make @stevieb have a heart attack with the thought of Colin coming back!  



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Re: 🍁👻 Y&R OCTOBER 2019 w/SPOILERS 👻🍁

[ Edited ]

@Roni18 wrote:

@trenet wrote:

Since a con is involved, it could be Cane but, it also could be Colin is behind it - especially since he and Jill are divorced. 

@trenet  Careful now, you may make @stevieb have a heart attack with the thought of Colin coming back!  



@Roni18  No worries. That's a step too far. He comes back, I'm out. I'm pretty much out anyway. The only thing that interests me at all is to see where they go with Adam and I'm not sure it's worth putting up with the rest of this garbage just to find out.

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