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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

There is nothing and no one on this show that I care to see. When I watch it just makes me sick and angry. Between Lolife and gang and that dump Society I FF through most of the show. Might as well stop for a while or forever! Yuck!!!!!

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

I think Chelsea offed her hubby and is conning everyone once again. Either that or Adam did it to help her out and himself too. Adam knew Chelsea would hate him even more if Chelsea’s husband willingly handed over custody of  

Connor to him. She would never forgive Adam and Adam wants Chelsea too, not just Connor. Chelsea’s always screwing someone over and that’s how she lives. She’s like a parasite that uses other people to live rather than making her own way legitimately. She and Adam are made for each other! It’s so funny because old dopey Nick is laying his head on the chopping block once again over Chelsea. Lord love him he just doesn’t learn! Lol! 🤪

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@DJP wrote:

There is nothing and no one on this show that I care to see. When I watch it just makes me sick and angry. Between Lolife and gang and that dump Society I FF through most of the show. Might as well stop for a while or forever! Yuck!!!!!



@DJP   I’m with you. I find myself FF-ing through so much of the show, I can “watch” in 10 minutes or less. At first, I thought bringing back some of the older characters might breathe some life into this show that’s flatlining. Now it’s just the same old stuff with more to dislike. 

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@J Town Girl wrote:

@stevieb  I so agree with you that Mia should have done a better job with Lola.   How about enough of a whack that Lola loses her memory and drives off to parts unknown in her food truck.   


Could that whole Lola-fest that we had to witness today be any more disgusting.   When Kyle called her Bae Bae I almost lost it.    


Why are they subjecting their dedicated viewers to such hogwash?   We've done nothing wrong.   We've stuck with the show through bad writer after bad writer and this is how they show their appreciation.  


I think whoever brought the character of Lola to this show needs to be tarred and feathered.  



I DID lose it! I am down to about 5 minutes of "show" and the rest FF. How can a great show go SO bad? More newbies every darn day....Chel"s hubby (thank goodness for only 2 days of bad southern accent) Jack's new "friend" soon to be hook up (WHY?), Mother of Ratero (why isn't this butinski back in Miami with her coming grandchild?) Summer's new boytoy ETC. Everyday some new chump shows up in GC. What happened to the cast we have watched and cared about for years? MIA so we can "enjoy" all this new talent like Lowlife and Mama and Mr. "influencer" and Anna and Daddy and cousin and all the rest of the newbies. Send them all on a long roadtrip over a high cliff. Think I'm done too.


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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@J Town Girl wrote:

@stevieb  I so agree with you that Mia should have done a better job with Lola.   How about enough of a whack that Lola loses her memory and drives off to parts unknown in her food truck.   


Could that whole Lola-fest that we had to witness today be any more disgusting.   When Kyle called her Bae Bae I almost lost it.    


Why are they subjecting their dedicated viewers to such hogwash?   We've done nothing wrong.   We've stuck with the show through bad writer after bad writer and this is how they show their appreciation.  


I think whoever brought the character of Lola to this show needs to be tarred and feathered.  



@J Town Girl  I believe we can thank the gone but not forgotten Mal for that insipid little piece of casting... Tell you what, you bring the tar, I'll bring the feathers and when we're done with Mal, we'll go after Lola too...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@DJP wrote:

There is nothing and no one on this show that I care to see. When I watch it just makes me sick and angry. Between Lolife and gang and that dump Society I FF through most of the show. Might as well stop for a while or forever! Yuck!!!!!

I completely get it @DJP... I FF through it a couple of times a week and then wonder why I still bother... There's really nothing drawing me in anymore at all...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@Shanus  Sorry about the rant. I'm just upset that the show is getting worse. Used to look forward to it. Woman Frustrated

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Why would Lolifes mom not be back in Miami for her grandchild? Guess she does not want to be around when really needed like when her daughter was on deaths door.

Next will be daddy Lolife coming to town.You know the other parent who was so worried about his daughter.Now he wants to walk her down the aisle.Oh boy!

Give me strength!

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@DJP wrote:

@Shanus  Sorry about the rant. I'm just upset that the show is getting worse. Used to look forward to it. Woman Frustrated

@DJP I know, it’s awful now. I think Eric Braeden (Victor) will be retiring very soon and with good reason. The quality on these soaps is no longer there, though Y&R is doing a lot better than B&B. Eric Braeden has too much integrity & talent to continue acting on a soap that can no longer employ decent writers. I could be wrong because he’s being paid very well, but I think the writing is on the wall.

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Summary for Friday, July 12th from


Nick arrives at home with takeout and suggests Chelsea bring Connor back to Genoa City. Chelsea balks because of Adam. Nick feels they can’t let him stop them from raising their boys as they like, then admits he got caught up thinking of the past. They reflect on Adam wanting to take his sons from them. Chelsea’s afraid to think how far he’ll go.


At GCPD, Adam informs Paul he has information that might shed light on Calvin Boudreau’s death. Paul counters another concerned citizen pointed the finger in Adam’s direction. Adam questions him listening to a con like Chelsea. Paul acts cagey. Adam points out Chelsea stands to benefit financially from the death and was angry with her husband – he recorded her. Paul can’t believe he’s accusing her of murder. Adam snaps, “The bitch turned on me”!


At Crimson Lights, Billy gets a text from Chloe who wants him to check on Kevin. Phyllis appears and needles, “Having trouble at home?” Billy says jealousy doesn’t look good on her. On the patio, Lola and Mariah go over the cooking video. Lola makes Mariah promise not to release it until after the wedding. Talk turns to Celeste’s interruption last night. Lola wants to spare Kyle an argument with her mother at lunch, so Mariah offers to show up with an emergency. Inside, Christine spars verbally with Phyllis, who thinks she resigned knowing she wouldn’t get votes, and shouts about her spectacular flameout. Phyllis enthuses, “The bug is finally squashed.” Chris snarks about Phyllis being a murder suspect who flipped on her friends. She’s sorry she won’t get to throw the redhead in jail for her next crime. When Phyllis implies she’s become respectable, Chris calls her delusional.


At Newman Enterprises Nikki admits to Victoria that Victor’s become forgetful, if this is as bad as it gets, they can handle it. Victoria asks, “What if it’s not?”


Billy greets Esther at the Chancellor mansion. Jill and Kevin are both out and Esther presumes Chloe asked him to check on Kevin. They discuss Chloe being alive. Esther worries what she’ll do if Kevin doesn’t go back soon, Esther agrees to text when Kevin returns. Billy spots Delia’s doll. Esther figures Kevin was showing it to Bella on video chat.


At Society, Kyle and Celeste touch on the awkward scene from last night and Kyle assures her they both want her around, but Celeste has a few issues. Lola arrives and asks what they were talking about. Kyle replies, “Us. Our future.” Celeste just thinks it’s happening so fast and suggests they slow it down a bit. Kyle doesn’t want to put off the wedding. Mariah appears and drags Kyle away to ‘talk’. Across the room, Celeste cries over Lola’s cooking video; she’s afraid Lola won’t need her anymore. Lola reassures her. In the foyer, Billy tells Victoria about holding Delia’s doll. She thinks Adam and Kevin have brought it to the surface. Suddenly, Victoria notices Victor complaining at the bar. The bartender insists they don’t stock that tequila brand, but Victor argues they’ve always had it. Later, Celeste misconstrues Lola’s words and announces she’s moving back in. Lola breaks it to Kyle, who assures her they have the next 70 years to be together besides sneaking around will be hot.


At Dark Horse, Phyllis concludes a call planning a party for the new hotel as Adam appears. He muses Victoria warned him not to trust her. Phyllis says Victoria’s trying to undermine her – she’ll handle her. She senses Adam’s still brooding over Chelsea and Adam reveals he gave Paul evidence she had a motive to kill her husband. Phyllis marvels, “Even I didn’t think you were that cold.” Adam complains Chelsea’s keeping his son from him. Later, Adam tells Phyllis he’s impressed with the hotel. She credits Nick’s hard work. Talk turns to Christine. Adam wants to ‘buy’ her replacement.


At Crimson Lights, Christine looks at the evidence Adam gave Paul and thinks it’s clear what his next step should be.


At Nick’s, Chelsea worries Paul could arrest her, and Nick reminds her no more running. The doorbell rings – it’s Paul, who reports Calvin died of a massive coronary; a ‘widowmaker’. He’s sorry for Chelsea’s loss and warns Adam doesn’t have her best interests at heart. After, Nick tells Chelsea no more living in fear and takes her hand.


At Newman Enterprises, Victor chews to Nikki about the incident with the bartender and worries people will start talking. Nikki suggests they stay close to the ranch. Victor feels they can’t ignore what’s happening to him. Nikki promises they’ll get through it together. After, Nikki tells Victoria she hopes the side effects will be temporary.


Billy returns to the Chancellor Estate and tells Esther he came for the doll. He flashes to Delia giggling and assures Esther he’s fine.


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Adam makes another appeal to Chelsea for reconciliation.