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@stevieb wrote:

@eddyandme Have Cray-Cray prepare an extra large hypodermic for @Laura14... She's being a drama queen all over the boards and some of the natives are beginning to attack... I have a feeling she's going to need an extra dose later or none of us will have any peace...


If The Cray is tied up, have that new Tech we hired admininster the extra dose. I think he can handle her...


Woman Surprised



 Jumbo Syringe



Sure, will do @stevieb!  He does seem to have a nice bedside manner.Woman LOL

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Watched todays episode and I think Lola did Kyle a favor by getting her nose bent way out of shape over that bag and dumping him. Maybe he'll finally get it that she's never going to be secure in his world and to find a woman with the same upbringing to connect with.


Go Victor!


I'm still not understanding the whole Ana and the selling her song thing; does this mean NONE of her songs can ever be sold and she gets the credit for it?

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Todays show was just so insane.....Lola having a attack because Kyle got her an expensive handbag for now in order for him to be "worthy" of her he has to deny himself of his lifestyle and wealth in order to be with her??? huh???  PLEASE dump her Kyle (which won't happen...ugh)..........Then Devon's sister wants to be a producer and demand respect but because someone outsmarted her for the songs she wrote in the past she won't tell Devon SHE  is the songwriter?? Guess she doesn't trust her brother either.....

All the praise for Nate.......weren't they hating on him a few days before??  And WHAT did he really do?? She woke up herself...ha.

Jack and Kerry...again.....ugh.

Expected to see Reed a bit happier that Niki was i guess he is just worried about himself...

WHY would Victor think Niki may be in danger unless

he KNEW what the women originally did with JT??

I must say though....i actually ENJOYED not seeing Rey

and family today....(except the few scenes with Lola).......

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Todays show was so lame! Where to begin? 

Lola, freakin out cuz the purse was 5 grand. Didn't she alread know they were going for that much when she was looking at them or did I miss that. Kyle has proved his affection for her why cant she be gracious and accept the gift and the gift she gave him with the intentions of its the thought that counts. Dumb.


The whole Ana not being able to take credit for song writing is another dumb line. Use a different name. Be a ghost writer. I also kinda see a Nate/Ana pairing.......


Reed wandering around like a zombie? Has he got the car fixed? Whats he worrying about? Not that Niki is going to remember, she was drunk when she got hit. 


I hope tomorrow is better but Im not holding my breath, I would be dead very quickly.


Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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Summary for Friday, December 28th from


At the hospital, Nick and Victoria puzzle over Nikki’s disappearance. Phyllis learns she wasn’t sent for tests. Nick calls the police to report a missing person. Rey arrives with an officer and vows to find out what’s happened. Nick rants about his promises falling short. They debate whether it was a kidnapping. Rey intends to get to the bottom of this and Nick announces he’ll put Newman’s security team on this. Rey walks around the corner and calls someone to have Nick tracked. Victoria tries to call Nate, but it goes to voicemail.


In an ambulance, Nikki’s unconscious and hooked up to an IV. Nate ignores Victoria’s call and checks on Nikki. He complains to the driver, George, that his patient is getting weaker and asks him to turn on the sirens so they can reach their destination sooner. The driver balks, but Nate insists. Nikki comes to and Nate explains that her husband is having her moved someplace safe. Nikki muses that Victor did really come to visit her.She recalls hearing his voice. Nate confirms Victor was there, and goes on about familiar sounds stimulating patients’ circuits. Nikki thinks it’s a fancy way of saying Victor brought her back from her coma. She tells Nate he’s done the right thing, before they debate whether there is such a thing as miracles. Nate’s doubtful since the love of his life passed away and he couldn’t save her. Nikki’s so sorry. Nate explains Victor believed that once they were together, Nikki would have the strength to heal completely. When he mentions the accusations against Victor, Nikki protests that he’s being framed, becomes agitated, and passes out. Nate demands the driver turn around to get the drugs Nikki needs before she dies.


In the hospital waiting area, Nick makes calls to get people looking for Nikki, after which Phyllis wonders about Victor’s absence. Victoria worries he’s in trouble, but Nick feels it’s a self-imposed exile. He figures that Nikki was targeted by an enemy of Victor’s, and his sister is tired of the dad-bashing. She goes to call home, and Nick asks Phyllis to go home – he needs to look after this alone. Later, Victoria tells Phyllis that she thinks they’re hampering this investigation and need to come clean – Nikki’s been taken captive and might die. Phyllis balks, but Victoria barks, “Stop it, we’re confessing everything. Tonight.”


At the station, Nick wants an update from Rey and announces he’s staying until there’s something to report. Rey gives him a coffee and surprises him by asking him to pitch in by checking the hospital visitors log for red flags. They make amends as Nick admits his anger has been more out of fear than his feelings about Rey. Rey’s computer sounds – he has something that might be the key to finding Nikki. As they wait on an upload, Rey muses that they’re not all that different and they commiserate over having fathers who disappointed them, though there’s always some love there. Nick then worries Rey’s trying to use the moment to find out something about Victor, but Rey denies it. When the hospital video footage comes in, they see someone posing as an orderly turn off Nikki’s machine and wheel her out. Rey intones, “That’s our kidnapper.” Rey notices the person knew how to avoid cameras, so must be someone on staff. He’ll send it to his team to enhance. Nick thanks him, and Rey says he believes they’ll find her.


At the hospital, Phyllis and Victoria continue to argue about whether or not to confess. Phyllis questions if Nikki would want that after all she’s been through and insists it won’t work – Rey will think Victoria’s trying to save Victor. Victoria hollers in frustration and Phyllis decides to be blunt – if the kidnapper wanted to kill Nikki, he’d have done it in her room. The person is focused on all of them, so they have to stay united – it’s the only way to nail him. Elsewhere, Nick returns, spots the person from the video footage and unmasks him – it’s Nate. Nate pleads with Nick not to make a scene. Nick threatens to put him in jail. Nate insists he’s protecting his patient, and sneaking her out was not his idea – it was Victor who orchestrated her escape. Nate reveals they’re on their way to Victor, but Nikki’s relapsed – Nick has no choice but to let him go unless he wants to risk his mother’s life.


Nick joins Nate in the ambulance and demands his mother be brought back inside, but the driver won’t allow it; he will carry out his plan as instructed.


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Devon decides to hold a New Year’s Eve party. 


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@hsawaknow Looking at the spoilers for tomorrow... No, it's not getting better... If anything, it sounds butt-stupid...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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[ Edited ]

How I wish Kyle would wake up and get a clue about that drip Lola... Help the bimbo pack her bags for Miami and put her on a train (not a plane, that would be too expensive) in the baggage compartment... That should be low-end enough to satisfy her... She is rapidly reaching the level of Cane, Raturo and Nate on my MUST GO list... She's just not likable... I can't imagine how anyone thinks she is or how the writers can assume the audience would be pulling for her...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@stevieb Well after reading tomorrows show, looks like your right. Dullville. I had to laugh, sending Lowlife Lola back on a train to Miami is funny. She can take the Rat with her, he seems to be a grifter amoung other things.

Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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@hsawaknow Lola has burned every bridge. I find her supremely annoying... I just want her gone but realize she's not going anywhere... They've hitched Kyle's wagon to this twit and I suspect they have big plans for her. Hoping the new writer opts to right many wrongs, not the least of which is sending her and her revolting brother Raturo packing... In fact, the longer they're around, the less interesting the whole family becomes... As for Raturo, yea a grifter and stud for hire, as big a joke as that is... Whoever is taking over this hot mess has their work cut out for them to try to undo several years of rotten casting, uninteresting characters and lousy writing...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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What we need is a great "it was all just a dream" scene and then take out the trash! I really wonder if this show is broken beyond fixin'.