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Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

So, today I went to see the movie. Not to give anything away but there is a part of the movie that is very disturbing. Well, as the scene was progressing a man sitting a few seats down breaks our into laughter. I was so shocked I lost my concentration. I wanted to move but you know seats are now assigned and I didn't want to miss anything so I just sat there. I did keep an eye on him. I mentioned it to the manager on my way out and she gave me a free pass to come back and see it again. How odd....

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

@Franklinbell I don't necessarily think the ending is funny or distubring or any of the above but definitely there's something there that I didn't think beforehand - definitely a ending where I go oh, oh, that's so right in frront in me.

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

havent seen it yet, but i find it interesting that your seats are assigned in the movie theater?

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

@sunshine45  When you purchase your tickets you pick your seat. I love this theater because it's small and the seats are heated and recline!  That's why I didn't move because i didn't know if another seat was sold to someone else that had not arrived yet.

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

@colleena @I read the book ina day when I tame out so I knew what was going to happen but when he laughed at a very inappropriate time I was just surprised. My "antenna " is always engaged. You just never know about people....

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

I think that was very thoughtful to be given another ticket.  Perhaps she thought you were disturbed by this incident and that you might like to see the film again undisturbed. It was her way of saying "I'm sorry this happened".

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

I'm sorry he spoiled the moment for you!  I wonder what he found so humorous. I take it no one else in the theater joined in with laughter.

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

[ Edited ]

Just one example why I do not enjoy going to the movies!  We haven't been in ages, but the last few times we went, people were so unmannerly and disrespectful, that it was hard to enjoy and watch the movie.  Going to the movies is no longer a fun or enjoyable thing for us.  Regarding this movie, I read the book and I thought it was awesome.  I hope the movie follows true to it.  I am glad that you got a pass to go to another one.

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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

@Franklinbell  Who knows what he could have been laughing at - he could have been on cell with pods. I gave up long ago trying to figure out why some folks are so selfish and mess up our joy.

That’s one of the reasons why I quit going to the movies and wait a couple of weeks and watch it at home (plus, I’m addicted to rewind LOL). 

I am glad management saw fit to extend you a free pass.


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Re: Where the crawdads sing…strange thing at the movis

I don't find it disturbing. Some people react with nervous laughter. Not a big deal unless it happened many times during inappropriate places in the movie. Even then, I'm not sure it's a huge deal.