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Registered: ‎07-23-2016

Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…

To this day thinking of the movie Don't Be Afraid of the Dark creeps me out.  Wikipedia says it was a TV movie made in 1973. There are little creatures that terrorize a woman and ultimately drag off her into the basement. Creepy!

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Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…

@candys mine wrote:


I saw The Birds when I was older so Not so scary for me.  Stupid Ending. if you ask me.  She SCREAMS at the drop of a hat throughout the Whole movie until Her Life is in immediate peril then ... NOT A PEEP.  THEN, as the birds watch,  they make a daring break for the getaway car and manage to escape that bird infested horror IN A CONVERTIBLE WITH THE TOP DOWN!  Why didn't they just drive away in the first place?



@candys mine   GMTA.....Glad I am not alone.


The some of the birds were so fake, you could actually see the strings on some of them.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…

I know the movie It was mentioned, but when I see a clown I think of that movie.

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Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…

The Birds and Rosemary's Baby, which I was NOT supposed to watch but I a babysitting and thought why not...scared me to death, mom was right, ha, ha.

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Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…

The Spiral Staircase. When I saw how insane the murderer was, he really scared me. 

My BFF and I saw a lot of movies in our youth. I remember one we were watching in a theater-a guy's face was bandaged, almost completely and when she saw him, BAM! She ran out of the theater. I ran after her-what's wrong? What happened?? She just said she can't look at a bandaged face. Terrified her. No reason, just one of those things.

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Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…

@SilleeMee  wrote:

THE THING (1982) ...starring Kurt Russell


The original 1951 version scared the heck out of me!

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Re: What Movie Scared You When You Watched It…



Silence of the Lambs....I was so tense after watching it that, when my husband and I got home from the theater, I had to do a few laps around our neighborhood just to loosen up a little...excellent movie and cast...creepy as hell!


Does anyone remember when it swept all the major Oscar categories that year and Billy Crystal was the host....They rolled him out on a dolly wearing the Hannibal Lecter mask and  everyone went into  hysterics...He was great throughout the entire night and the best host ever!



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~