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There is a video of Wendy on youtube today she is walking on the beach with her son in Florida, she looks good and sounds good.  I am not a Wendy Williams fan but after hearing about the bank issues and how sick she has been I have to say I am rooting for her.

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I'm not convinced she is ok. He is cueing her, and she is answering his questions. She is confused about her age, and she talks about her mother in the present tense. If there is any truth to the dementia then it is normal to cue them. If you don't you have no idea what they will say. It could be a lot of confusing babble.


She also seems very calm and serene. that is not normal for Wendy Williams. They might have her on something to treat her anxiety.



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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

@manny2 wrote:

I'm not convinced she is ok. He is cueing her, and she is answering his questions. She is confused about her age, and she talks about her mother in the present tense. If there is any truth to the dementia then it is normal to cue them. If you don't you have no idea what they will say. It could be a lot of confusing babble.


She also seems very calm and serene. that is not normal for Wendy Williams. They might have her on something to treat her anxiety.



I do agree, she was way more pleasant than usual.  She was nice today.  It would not surprise me if she is medicated.  It took her so long to make any statements.  The youtuber also said that all the bank suff has been sealed.  They cannot get any more  information.  Even on her show last season they would show clips where she would forget what she was talking about.  Norman pretty much carried her through the show.  

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I think her problems are all mental, not physical and it's possible she has substance abuse problems again.  There's a reason why she doesn't have access to her millions.  Hopefully she's getting the help she needs.

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I saw the beach walking video and thought it came off as rehearsed, staged, and very strange.

First off she has a ton of make up on walking on the beach, her son is talking to her as if he has never met her before and knows nothing about her, and she is far from her normal personality that she always was in the past.

I wish her the best but that was one strange video IMO.

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I saw the video and she sounded normal, but you could tell it was staged and rehearsed.  I hope she's getting better.  I agree, I dont think her problem is physical.  I cant wrap my head around this severe illness from Graves disease.  I too believe she had some sort of breakdown. Probably everything she's been through the last few years just caught up with her.  I also believe she was heavily dependent on her husband for alot of matters and she was suddenly thrown into more than she knew.  Then the death of her mother, the baby etc etc.  its alot. People react and cope in diffrent ways and then one day you just cant get out of bed.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@meem120 ,

I agree with her or not going through all that has happened to her in her personal life added to health issues is more than almost anyone could handle.

I don't think she will return to her show but time will tell.