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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

I have never watched her show and never will but she is the most deplorable excuse for a human being ever.  She always says something rude about someone then apologizes afterward. Well it's like calling wolf.  Her apologies mean nothing.  Her show should be cancelled and her sponsors should pull their advertising from her show.  What a piece of trash.  Not an empathetic or sympathetic bone in her body. That's twice in one week she's done this. 

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

If we all just ignored her, she might slink back to her hole.

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

@Vivian wrote:

I don't know whether her comments were drug-induced or just plain stupid-induced, but WW has no filters on her brain-to-mouth connection.




Then she should keep her disgusting mouth closed and someone should get her off the air.


If people stopped watching her show she would be off the air, it's all about the ratings when it comes to TV shows.

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

@icezeus wrote:

Clueless and Classless. 

Yes! she is trash, low class, and disturbing..... 

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

@Still Raining wrote:

If we all just ignored her, she might slink back to her hole.


@Still Raining 


Yep.....crawl back under that rock, from where she came.

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

I can't believe she is still around .

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

I can't believe *anyone* would say this about another human being. Doesn't she know ppl have feelings? I've never watched her show, wouldn't know her if I tripped over her and not planning on getting to know her!


The only real way to get rid of her is to do it with your wallet. Write to advertisers of her show, they'll dump her like yesterday's garbage.

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

Wendy Williams has lost it.  I don't know if it was that husband of hers or just mental.  I haven't watched her showin years (except for a promo that happened to come on).


She falls into the category of "Hurt people, hurt people".  She feels hurt so she hurts others.  Maybe not on purpose but that's what she does.  She's getting meaner by the day.

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Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

She gets away with a messy trashy nasty life; she gets away with saying horrendously awful things about people, she gets away with being a bigot.  It all washes right off her back.  The network is OK with it all, the sponsors are OK with it all.  I assume her fans are OK with it.  She must have the highest ratings of any talk show on daytime TV.  Others who have said far less have lost their TV shows.  

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Registered: ‎02-20-2016

Re: Wendy Williams is at it AGAIN

I admit I was enthralled for a little while. . .but I am so over that right now. I WAS WRONG.