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Last season they left me with the impression Enid was a part of the Wolves....I'm glad that was cleared up in this episode....or at least it looks like she was never with them and arrive at Alexandria after her parents died.    

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@straykatz wrote:

Last season they left me with the impression Enid was a part of the Wolves....I'm glad that was cleared up in this episode....or at least it looks like she was never with them and arrive at Alexandria after her parents died.    

Actually I don't think it was cleared up completely and the possibility she is a wolf is still not off the table. Think about this- she was constantly taking off by herself back out in to the woods to do what?? We don't know. Perhaps she was a stake out for the wolves, letting them know when the town was most vulnerable in order to attack-like the fact that all the serious fighters were away dealing with the walkers at the time of this attack- coincidence?? I think not.



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Agree with HappyDaze.  We really don't have any idea as to Enid's deal.  All we know is that her parents were, somehow or other, killed.  Then she turned up, at some point beyond that time, at Alexandria alone.


We'll probably learn more at some point this season.

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Good point ladies.    Yes, she could be a plant.  

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I loved Carol!!!    When she shot that wolf, the one Morgan was not going to kill, I bust out laughing because I didn't expect that.   Love that episode!

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@snowball wrote:

I loved Carol!!!    When she shot that wolf, the one Morgan was not going to kill, I bust out laughing because I didn't expect that.   Love that episode!

HA! I thought we were the only twisted people who laughed when that happened! Smiley Happy

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@straykatz. I think Enid is a spy for the Wolves.  I also think Carol should be the leader.  Rick goes from one extreme to the other.  Carol always keeps her cool, she's level headed and she has learned to assimilate to fit in when she needs to.  She can go from talking about casseroles with the naive women to kicking some major "A"!  She rocks!

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@HappyDaze wrote:

@snowball wrote:

I loved Carol!!!    When she shot that wolf, the one Morgan was not going to kill, I bust out laughing because I didn't expect that.   Love that episode!

HA! I thought we were the only twisted people who laughed when that happened! Smiley Happy

HAHAHAHAHAHA   Glad someone else laughed.  But really, you didn't exect it and it was funny!!!    You made me laugh now.   THANKS

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@luv-the-Q wrote:

@straykatz. I think Enid is a spy for the Wolves.  I also think Carol should be the leader.  Rick goes from one extreme to the other.  Carol always keeps her cool, she's level headed and she has learned to assimilate to fit in when she needs to.  She can go from talking about casseroles with the naive women to kicking some major "A"!  She rocks!


I'm a Carol fan but for reasons that would not make her a good leader...she is calculating and manipulating for good reason.... but those are not qualities I would want in a leader.  


I like Rick as a leader...I think he plays the role perfectly...good cop/bad cop and he's a father....a friend...etc.  And he struggles with the things he has to do....unlike Carol...she is almost inhuman in her reactions and actions.  It makes me wonder if the tear shed was to open up a door to soften her a little or was that the last bit of humanity leaving her soul.  

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Re: Walking Dead - spoilers

[ Edited ]

I cannot think of one person in that group that has lost their humanity. If they had, they'd be killing people just to kill. Every time they've killed, there was a good reason to do so- self defense or to put someone out of their misery before they turn. They've never randomly gone out and killed people for the sake of killing. When they do that, then yes, we could say they've lost their humanity but until then, every single person in that group has maintained their humanity.They have to protect themselves and do stuff they normally wouldn't do but that doesn't mean they've lost their humanity. It means they've learned how to survive in a brand new, cruel and violent world.