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I'm not sure if writers are still on strike (hasn't been in the news) or everything on TV is just repeats.


I mostly miss Fallon and Colbert. I record them to watch the following day.

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The WGA strike continues today.  I've walked by picket lines at several locations recently.


The DGA just renegotiated a contract and SAG-AFTRA talks are said to be very productive in order to avoid a strike.  If they settle, I imagine the WGA would settle shortly on similar terms.

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The Writer's strike is still ongoing, negotiations have failed, it's on our local news station daily.

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@Shanus   The writers strike continues and now there are other groups threatening strikes as well.

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I hope they settle this soon. Bad enough there is nothing on right now but to delay it going into the fall would be ridiculous Woman Frustrated

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well...I fall asleep faster at least as the late night stale ,repeated news & comedy are leftovers from months ago ! I do hope they can come to fair agreements soon.

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@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes wrote:

The WGA strike continues today.  I've walked by picket lines at several locations recently.


The DGA just renegotiated a contract and SAG-AFTRA talks are said to be very productive in order to avoid a strike.  If they settle, I imagine the WGA would settle shortly on similar terms.


@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes 


Are you in SoCal?   



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@Shanus wrote:

I'm not sure if writers are still on strike (hasn't been in the news) or everything on TV is just repeats.


I mostly miss Fallon and Colbert. I record them to watch the following day.




Yes, the picket lines are still at the entrance of every studio. 


Interestingly, a new wrinkle ... people driving by see the picketers and beep their horns like crazy, to offer support.  Now there are a few official-looking signs warning that "excessive car horn noise" will be ticketed. 


I guess the studios' neighbors are tired of the car horns, no matter how much they support the writers.   Can you blame them?  lol

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I am in NYC, Manhattan. 


There are pickets periodically at NBC in Rockefeller Center, Netflix headquarters,  HBO headquarters and Amazon offices.


I think there are other picket locations at studios in Brooklyn.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

It's my impression that many writers have been on strike since the mid-90s.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~