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There are too many lose ends it really should return here we have those who look like the real thing like Melissa is she real? There is raging Jim still alive running around wounded and still a danger to those left behind...

We have to know what this was all about in the first place....

And where the rest of the flock is going or ended up...

'Under the Dome' season 3 premiere: CBS to renew or ...

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

I'm VERY frustrated that they didn't make the renew decision before wrapping up this season. As I vented in the other thread, I was just starting to get renewed interest in the show again when they could jump through to the outside world. And the red door mystery, etc. Then they messed it all up again. It would have been fairly easy for them to tie up most everything in one or two episodes with the direction they took this at the end of this season. Instead, they chose to almost run it into the ground...but then leave it with a cliffhanger?!

Anyone else want to scream when TV shows (or movies) take an excellent premise, and then thoroughly mess it up? Revolution was another one that had so much promise. But it tried too could have been so much better if they left the nano bot plot out (even though I usually like syfi stuff) and just left it as a what would happen if the world had to start over and get by totally without technology.

Then there are the really good shows that they cancel after a few episodes without giving them a chance to get followers. *sigh* No wonder streaming only series are so popular.

But back to UTD...I don't know if I can give it another season. I think they owe us closure, though. Give us a movie to wrap it up.

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

I loved the show as a summer replacement. If they don't renew it, the viewers need a finale.

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

On 9/27/2014 colliegirls said:

I loved the show as a summer replacement. If they don't renew it, the viewers need a finale.

You are right people can not invest two years and CBS leaves it hanging like this...

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

I was just thinking about Under the Dome this week. Wonder if it is coming back this summer?

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

Just saw that Under the Dome is renewed for the summer of 2015! YIPPEE Get this show on the road!!

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

I'm glad they renewed it. Now it's time to end the show after this season.

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Re: Under The Dome UTD SEASON 3

I hope they wrap it up this season and give it a proper ending. I'll give it one more chance....not so sure my DH is willing to watch another season...we'll see.