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Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Wow! I didn't see that coming! (Literally since the feeds are blocked.) There has been a surprising lack of spoilers from yesterday's show taping. (The show we see tonight was taped last night.) That tends to imply production stacked the audience with either CBS employees, or the Amish. My guess would be CBS employees. Any fan who watched the taping would have tweeted out the outcome by now along with details, but nothing especially credible has leaked. When CBS wants a controllable audience, they'll drag in CBS employees to fill the seats.


We know that either Steve or Austin was evicted and my money is still on Steve. John's been pretty coy with Steve telling Steve he has to get Vanessa to tell John to vote to keep Steve which I think John is going to use to justify voting out Steve to the jury by saying Vanessa never told him to save Steve. John's been more open talking with Austin than Steve, so I think he was voting out Steve. We'll find out tonight. 


At this time the house is down to four houseguests. We know three of them are Liz, Vanessa, and John. There's already a new HOH and likely two new nominees. Later today they'll likely play the POV comp. Then tomorrow night we'll get another eviction to get to the final three. I'm pretty sure Liz will be one of the final three. I don't see anyone targeting her at this stage with John, Austin/Steve, and Vanessa still there.


On tonight's show we'll see the aftermath of the noms, the POV ceremony which John won, John use the POV, then the vote to evict, then finally the new HOH comp. Then after midnight they'll finally turn the feeds back on and we'll learn what else has happened. Then tomorrow night we'll get down to the final three and the first stage of the final HOH comp will start.

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!


Steve is super squirrely but I would prefer to see Austin evicted.  The only person I care about is JohnnyMac.


As always - thanks so much for these updates !

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I would like to see Austin evicted too but I think it makes more sense for John's game to keep Austin instead of Steve and when Steve was HOH I really felt he wanted to take Julia to the final two.

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Did anyone see Steve last night on BADD that he was hugging his teddy bear as he was sleeping? It was so boring last night as it was previously taped & everybody was sleeping. I was channel surfing & just happened to see Steve with his teddy bear. LOL



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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I will be very surprised if Steve is the one evicted; I think Austin will be gone. It's definitely a better game move for John to vote out Austin and although John doesn't care too much who stays, his choice would be to keep Steve. 


If John does make the final 2, then this will be the first time that one of my faves (James and John) will make the cut. 

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I've seen Steve sleeping with his bear on the feeds and that doesn't bother me it's when he want to kiss the girls and thinks he's cute  that annoys me.    I didn't like Steve then I thought I liked him but I'm back to finding him annoying.

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Thank you Gardenman for making my morning.  We all appreciate your information.

I still hope John will make it to the final 2.  I think it would be smart for him to vote out Steve only because Steve can pull it out for a lot of comptetions.  Also I don't want to Vanessa to get her way again.  I am so over Vanessa and her intense "Do you have anything to tell me conversations?" Ick!

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

There are a few rumors/reports/leaks that Austin was evicted and Steve is the new HOH. If true, and that's a huge, huge if, then that could be very bad news for Vanessa. Steve was planning to vote her out this week if things went his way. That could leave us with a final three of Liz, John, and Steve. 

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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Hmmm, interesting, gardenman. If that is the case, yay at Austin being evicted. How are he ans Liz going to survive apart? Lol. Second, if Steve won HOH, Vanessa has to win Pov or she's done.

What time is the show on tonight?
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Re: Tuesday 9/15/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@cosmic1 wrote:
Hmmm, interesting, gardenman. If that is the case, yay at Austin being evicted. How are he ans Liz going to survive apart? Lol. Second, if Steve won HOH, Vanessa has to win Pov or she's done.

What time is the show on tonight?

"If" is a very important word here now as nothing we're hearing is in any way solid or reliable. The show is on at eight (ET) tonight. The feeds won't be back until midnight after the West coast show has finished airing.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!