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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The majority opinion here seems to favor players that are very familiar with BB over the years.  I would like to see BB return to its roots and fill the house with players that don't have a clue about what to expect or when and have to figure out how to play on their own and cope with the twists and comps without insight as to what is likely going to happen and when.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Natalie fought like a tiger last week for HOH, but after lasting almost an hour longer than every other girl she finally wore down. Her early allies (Bronte and Bridgette) got split up with Bronte getting voted out and Bridgette falling in line with Frank. The fact that she's still in the game is pretty impressive. She's working the house now to try and pull in Bridgette and Michelle. There really isn't much else she can do. If she can pull in Bridgette, get Michelle safe this week, keep James and one of those four wins HOH, they could start making a move on the house.


Natalie knows what's going on and wants to change it, but she just hasn't had any power. If she can build a solid four person team with four decent competitors, there's a chance they could wipe out the guys' alliance. Michelle is pretty clearly targeting Paulie and Nicole if she stays. Putting those two up would cause a problem for Corey. He'd have to choose between his two loves in the house. It would only take four votes to evict Paulie and three of those four would come from Natalie's alliance. All they'd need is one more and Corey might just be that plus one.

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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Marp wrote:

The majority opinion here seems to favor players that are very familiar with BB over the years.  I would like to see BB return to its roots and fill the house with players that don't have a clue about what to expect or when and have to figure out how to play on their own and cope with the twists and comps without insight as to what is likely going to happen and when.

I always want all newbies. When you have returnees you generally get bad game play. 

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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Time for Z o go to jury and time for James to play the game. Backdoor Paulie and/or Victor! 


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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Too little too late. Bridgette is a handmaiden, first to Frank and now to Victor. She saw how Frank treated women and Victor is as bad or worse. No woman with any sense would depend on her. Natalie  isn't  much different from Nichole, both latched onto a man and are using him to play by proxy.

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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:


I just wish Nicole would be tossed. She grates on my last nerve between her voice and the way she  speaks and whines and the humongous glasses that accentuates her pug nose I don't understand how she is still in the house. Don't get me started at how loud she eats. 


Not to mention that rat's nest on top of her head.  She's always messing with it, twisting it around and around, putting it in a band then starts over.  UGH   Wonder if once Corey's meds kick totally in he'll wake up one day and go WTH was I thinking?


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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I can't remember if Corey is a superfan or not but whatever - he ain't hurting for money!  Last night he said he was considering buying the house he's living in but it's $850,000 and since it's quite old the plumbing needs replaced so the seller would have to fix that or lower the price quite a bit.  That might not be alot of money to some people but it sure is to me and probably to the average person.  He's obviously done well for himself.  I think this season has quite a few people that don't need the money.

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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It doesn't matter if they're filthy rich. The best player should win, and despite how people feel about Paulie, he's by far the best player. I fear this will be a bitter jury who will choose the winner based on personal feelings. I hate when that happens.
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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

Aha! The reason Corey's been a bit more focused is he's apparently back on his medications as he just had a very short DR visit and Nicole asked why and he said it was for his medication.

Makes me wonder if he had it the other day when he had that conversation with James about Paulie wanting James to eliminate his vote. He was so clear and focused. Very different than the Corey I was accustomed to. It might have been Sunday evening. 


At that point Corey was down to keep Michelle. Now I guess he's made a deal with the devil again and is planning on voting her out. Apparently Meech's knowledge of what's happening has Paulie totally paranoid. That conversation between him and Z was disturbing on both sides. He's so self-righteous about his roll in her game (as if she's there by his grace, lol) and venomous when he speaks about how he plans to call her out. It's like déjà vu of the way he treated Z the other day. If Z needs to see a shrink (and she does), he needs to have the appointment immediately following. 

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Re: Tuesday 08/09/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Zakiyah and James were talking in the bathrom a few minutes ago and James told Zakiyah there were two people in the house, two guys who wanted her out. Zakiyah said she knew one was Victor, but who was the other one? James said, I won't name names but look who Victor's always around and you'll find your answer. She said Paul? Yep. James promised to fall if he's between Zakiyah and the HOH on Thursday.


It doesn't sound like James is looking to protect the five guys. He threw Victor and Paul under the bus to Zakiyah. The odds of her getting in a position to do anything about it are pretty remote, but if she should win HOH on Thursday we could see one of those two guys heading out the door. Paulie will no doubt tell her to put up the two girls instead, but we'll have to see what happens.


The house is going on an inside lock down while I type this. It's a bit early for a comp setup, so they could be getting a practice comp. 

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