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Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

CBS cut into the soap just now, missing last 5 min. of the show.  Graham just told Dina that she was doing the right thing by leaving town now.  What happened in the last segment?




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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

@KLevineFan, when Graham came back, Dina told him she wouldn't go.  He said he'd be with her each step of the way as they planned.  Nothing was said about who he was.


So, you didn't miss anything.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
Posts: 23
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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

Don't know if you watch the Bold & the Beautiful but Sheila showed up in the very last scene. What a shock that was!!!! Sheila has been gone from this show and Y & R for at least a decade, Will be interesting to see how she impacts the story line and if she somehow makes it back to Genoa City. Oh, the possibilities!!!!!!

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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

Wow- Sheila!  Blast from the past.  Y and R could use her for sure to liven things up.

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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

Oh no, hope Sheila doesn't  escape  to Y&R!

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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

Didn't Lauren pop a cap in her a&s ?  Finally get rid of her ?


Victor is behind it I'm betting. Maybe she was never really dead either another bought out Dr. gave her some pills to make all think she was dead or maybe she's had facial surgery to look like Mother McCree. LOL




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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

I still wonder if Victor has a deserted island where he is hiding the "dead" of GC who are miraculously still alive???Cat Surprised

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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

I'm curious about this and don't remember seeing anyone comment on this:


Who thinks Niki is right in thinking that Victor wants to humiliate her into messing up when she plays the piano for this charity event?  Why would he do that?  I've always thought that despite what a pain he is he really loves Niki and would like to see her succeed?


Anyone have any ideas on this?

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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!

If that old man ever gets dementia lot of people gonna be in trouble.

You notice how he bled Kevin for information on where he was going on vacation ?


He knows he's going to Chloe only trouble is, she's not gonna be there.

Ol' vic stays a step ahead. Kevin is smart enough to outfox Victor.

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Re: Today's Y&R...Last 5 minutes!



Yeah, I agree I don't think he wants her to look like a fool, but, might be trying to drive her to drink again, so, she can't convince the kids to shut him out.

We all know she can't handle any kind of stress she'll break like a twig.

another drunk story.........No, God, please.