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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@CaliKat wrote:

@gardenman wrote:


@sabra wrote:

Never thought I'd say this but I SO wish they would vote out Elena tonight instead of Cody.  That's not going to happen but it would be great to watch.

The most entertaining move would be if Kevin realized he was being targeted and recruited Christmas who then recruited Josh and they joined with Mark to vote out Matt. If they could pull that off without Paul's knowledge it would be hilarious. Matt had the POV and used it on someone else, and didn't need to be on the block anyway, so he deserves to be evicted. Those four could then hook up with Cody, Mark, and Elena to take out Paul, Alex, Jason and Raven. That would be fun to watch.





I would be so happy if your scenario happened. Paul would have an internal breakdown, while trying to look so cool and composed. Woman LOL

It would be a best case scenario, and in a normal year it would be possible, but this isn't a normal year. Watching Paul, Alex and Raven would be hilarious as Matt walked out while the rest celebrated their coup. Paul would implode.

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Hello & welcome, @Ry_921!


Please continue to post. Smiley Happy

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Piperdellilah wrote:

I feel kind of bad, i was starting to like Cody. i always root for the underdog haha. i couldnt stand him at first then when he won the battle back i started to really like him. I even started to like Jessica. Oh well he is too much of a threat, i guess. now who are they going to pick on? 

Hi, @Piperdellilah.

So do I. It's in my DNA!

If there was a flip & a blindside as @gardenman described, it'd redeem this season in a huge way!


It really is amazing how your feelings change about the HGs as the season wears on. Maybe I'm just tired of Paul winning week after week...

A shake up is definitely needed.


As another poster mentioned, I too FFWDed through much of the show last night.


BTW, @gardenman didn't you mention something about a scenario where another vet (like James) might be brought into the house? 

James is a perfect example of a HG who to me, wore out his welcome.


I CANNOT believe I'm saying this (really!), but at this point in such a predictable, stagnant game, I would've even care if they brought back ......Frankie Grande!!

And ED would be even better!



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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@sabatini wrote:

@Piperdellilah wrote:

I feel kind of bad, i was starting to like Cody. i always root for the underdog haha. i couldnt stand him at first then when he won the battle back i started to really like him. I even started to like Jessica. Oh well he is too much of a threat, i guess. now who are they going to pick on? 

Hi, @Piperdellilah.

So do I. It's in my DNA!

If there was a flip & a blindside as @gardenman described, it'd redeem this season in a huge way!


It really is amazing how your feelings change about the HGs as the season wears on. Maybe I'm just tired of Paul winning week after week...

A shake up is definitely needed.


As another poster mentioned, I too FFWDed through much of the show last night.


BTW, @gardenman didn't you mention something about a scenario where another vet (like James) might be brought into the house? 

James is a perfect example of a HG who to me, wore out his welcome.


I CANNOT believe I'm saying this (really!), but at this point in such a predictable, stagnant game, I would've even care if they brought back ......Frankie Grande!!

And ED would be even better!



That's pure guesswork (maybe hope?) on my part, but they are saying that a special guest will enter the house. (More likely it's one or more of the characters for the new Star Trek show that's coming up on CBS All Access and they're using BB to help promote it. Expect a Star Trek themed comp sometime in the very near future.) Either that or a character on one of their new fall shows on CBS. It would be neat to have another vet dropped in who could influence the game. Add in a Dan or Dr. Will and watch Paul freak out.


I'd love, love, love to see that flip take place and watch a stunned Matt walk out the door while Kevin, Christmas, Josh, Mark, Elena, and Cody celebrated. It would be epic! In a normal year the DR might even steer things that way, but this isn't a normal year. This seems to be a "Paul lost last year when he shouldn't have, so we have to make it up to him" year for production. The odds of them helping to turn the house against Paul now are pretty slim. It would be highly entertaining though. An audio leak from the DR of Paul talking about getting out Kevin next then Christmas and Josh soon afterwards could be all it would take.


That would draw a clear line between two sides of the house and war would be on, but it won't happen. Matt did a pair of idiotic moves and won't be punished. Paul will get his way and we'll all just watch week after week as Paul names a target and his minions execute his plan. It's great if you love Paul and want him to win, but as far as entertianiment goes, it's not so good.

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I have not paid as much attention to this season as opposed to previous so I very well may have missed something.

I was under the impression that Jason and Christmas were VERY close to Kevin. Yet neither of them has clued him in on his place in Paul's current pecking order ?

I thought they had a genuine closeness and would never betray each other.

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman I like how your mind works. If only but unfortunately they are operating on one brain Paul's so it won't happen. They should have taken out Paul long ago but now he will be there until the end. I do not like Paul.

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I think it's Zingbot. He's been tweeting.

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Hi, @gardenman!


Funny, but in the beginning, I didn't much care that production intended for Paul to win this season. IMO, he was robbed last year.


BUT, I would think that even production would be aware of the winds of change 'a blowin' through ye olde BB house.

Everyone is sick of him now!

Ah, the fickleness of human nature.

Or maybe it's just me who's the fickle one. Smiley Frustrated


My hopes were just dashed when you mentioned that the new guest might be character from one of CBS's new fall shows.


Say it ain't so!  Smiley Sad

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Last few epsidoes were boring, soap-operaish, and the only highlight for me last night was Alex getting a punishment and hating it. That's funny! 


I do not like when they bring any vets back as I find none of them interesting enough to continue their saga. 


I'm gonna think positive and hoping for an Alex eviction tonight. I wish they have more double evictions.

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Re: Thursday 8/17/2017 Big brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Did anyone else think that Mark's midriff tied shirt looked odd during last night's POV battle? He's such a big guy, and I'm sure he likes to show off his abs, but that look always reminds me of Maryanne from Gilligan's Island.

Not a biggie, just funny. To me, & probably me alone.


As you can see, I haven't got much to think about today! I'm painting, & the mind wanders...Smiley Frustrated


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