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Re: Thoughts on foul language

It depends on the movie. 


Generally, it doesn't bother me.

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

'Bad Santa 2', was the F word every other sentence.  Kathy Bates, was in there slinging it with Billy Bob.   Depends on how you were raised.

These days where as I might flinch, the young kids don't think nothing about it.

Declining morals, etc.

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

It doesnt bother me at all, 

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

I haven't been to any movies since 2003!  I'm boycotting Hollywood!  Smiley Wink


I won't watch TV shows or movies that contain that sort of language.  I just cancelled my premium movie channels because of all the trashy movies and shows.  

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

I am shocked that the F word is used so much now just on regular TV shows.. Especially the housewive shows etc....  they sort of bleep it out, but you can get the gist of it  when they say it.   The F word is now almost accepted it seems in the music world.... and in many people's vocabulary..


. I was following a face book group on dogs and their behaviors... the people who put in comments for some reason used the F word like it was  an every day  word... I actually quit following the group because I just thought that using that word was just not necessary when discussing out pets....!   I hear  people when I am out shopping etc talking and using the F word every other word....   JUST WHY???  I think it makes you look trashy and uneducated.... lower than.

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

They say "f" on FX, I first noticed it when I was watching Taboo. It doesn't really bother me it just shocked me when I first heard it on a regular cable channel.
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Re: Thoughts on foul language

I cringe.  I hate it when they say G  d ****** or J. C. or the f word.  No need for any of it in my opinion.

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

It's not likely to ruin for me an otherwise solid show, of whatever type, but when it seems gratuitous I have no use for it. Too often, I think nudity, foul language and so on are really there to try to make up for an otherwise thin production.

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Re: Thoughts on foul language

@CelticCrafter wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

It doesn't bother me.

It doesn't bother me either but I have quite a potty mouth myself.

Same here!



I guess I belong to the potty mouth club too, at least part of the time.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...