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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

I didn't know this was the last episode.   I'm not sure I'll tune in again.  I really liked the show at first but as it progressed I liked it less and less.


There is too much angst and problems with all of the characters for me.  They are mostly sad, mad, worried etc and there are few scenes with people really happy.   I find myself wanting to slap all them at many times and say " come on!!!".   


Once I lose interest in the characters, I'm usually done.   

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

[ Edited ]



Thought it would be cool to see this pic of Ron Cephas Jones, youtfhful and stylin' at 60. 


Boys in blue: Ron Cephas Jones also looked sharp in a dark blue suit:


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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

My sister told me about this show so I watched on HULU and just finished and I have cried for the three days it took me to watch and the ending of the first season upset me as I think the moter played by Mandy Moore was way too hard on I don't like her anymore and I don't like that she kept Randall from knowing his dad as my mother did the same thing...........and I found out that he did try and be in my life but my mother said no so after I found him now he does not want me at it is bad memories for me and I don't like I love the show but too much sadness in the show.

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

@feline groovy - Thanks for the interview and the picture of Ron Cephas Jones! When I first read the spoiler that William would be back (post 493), I thought he would be back with Jermel Nakia (young William) only. But I was also aware of the impact Ron made on the show, and that may have played "a tiny part" in the writers' decison to keep him around! I'm happy about that!


You gave us the earlier interview with "Cousin Ricky" too. Brian Tyree Henry and Sterling K. Brown are best friends, so I think we'll see more of him too. I know he's a talented musician, but he is also in Atlanta, which is on hiatus until 2018.


I think I've learned this show can, and will, go in many directions - both past and present! Smiley Happy

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

@DowntonAbbey - I'm so sorry you're seeing circumstances in this show that bring back unpleasant memories for you. I did too. William's illness and death reminded me a little of what I went through with my brother, although my brother was only 27. I guess this show, in spite of some story lines that seem way out there, is just about one family's life. (((HUGS)))

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

I love that William w/b back!   There are so many places to explore, even still, with these characters.  


Since this is a network show, does that mean that the next season will begin next fall?   Seems like an awful long time from now. Smiley Sad

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

This Is Us is my favorite new show. The cast, the writing, everything is on point! Jack reminds me of my Dad at times (minus the drinking -my Dad didn't drink). My Dad treated my Mom and us kids like royalty and he was always there for us! It is a shame my Mom died so young, she was the love of my Dads life. He never married again and passed away 6 years ago this month. Needless to say, I sit and cry through a lot of the show. It is a beautiful and well done show!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

beach so sorry about the loss of your brother.......I lost my mom to MS in 1998...........I hate death...............I am 60 now, just told that I look better now than I did 20 years ago and yet 20 years ago I was busy going and dating as much as I wanted, now I am home alone all the time in this tiny town I can't get out of...............ugh life seems meaningless.

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

He is 80?  Looking great thank you for the picture as I love WILIAM and JACK

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Re: This is Us TV show - SPOILERS!!! Don't read this if you don't want to know!

I also love Randall.