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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

[ Edited ]

@beach-mom wrote:

What an incredible episode! I was crying so much I had to rewind the last part and watch it again. Little Miguel was adorable. I think it was the perfect ending, especially with the apple tree we saw them plant earlier and the baseball field.


@Cakers3 - Are you doing OK?  



No.  I've been a puddle for hours. 


I suppose we had to see the death of Miguel because where would he fit if Rebecca died before him?


This was a really hard one to take-even more than Jack's death.  The Billy Joel "And So It Goes" fit so well; always loved that song.


Darn those writers.  They really know how to make a tv family in real life without being sappy and maudlin.  That is the success of this show.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

Poignant and beautiful 'Miguel' episode.

Glad he found where he belonged and lived a full long life.

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@feline groovy wrote:

Poignant and beautiful 'Miguel' episode.

Glad he found where he belonged and lived a full long life.

True @feline groovy. One of the EP's said Miguel was 80 when he died.




Jon Huertas said we are going to see a rapid decline in Rebecca coming up, as can be true in anyone who loses a longtime partner.




(But not all of the time- DH's mom was an only child. She died in her 50's shortly after we were married from breast cancer. One month before she died, DH's grandmother lost her only brother. And one month after DH's mom died, her father died. So his grandmother lost her only brother, her only child, and her husband in a three-month period. Everyone thought she would give up and wouldn't be around much longer. She lived until she was 94, and was sound in mind and physically pretty healthy until a few days before.) 

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@beach-mom : 


I thought Miguel was even a few years older than 80 when he passed. 

Especially since both he and Jack were about six years older than Rebecca. 


I always liked him too, especially his kindness. 

And how extra attractive did he look in glasses?  8-)

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

The final episodes are going to be very hard, I think.


I believe the "Train' episode-Rebecca used to ride the train sometimes with her father and she used to read a book to the BIg 3 call the Red Train so there must be a tie-in to all of that.


I think that will be the episode where Rebecca passes away.


The finale called "US"-I think we will see the future with the grandchildren.  A continuation of "This is Us" in the future beyond the Big 3.





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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

I was very moved by the Miguel episode.  It was a lovely written story.  It helped understand how and why they got together.


After each episode, I just cry.  So much of what these characters are going through I have or am now.  


So many of their stories touch so many lives in different ways.  The only storyline I didn't like was Kevin's.  It was too predictable that he'd end with Sophie.   It was too Hallmark Channel for me.  Life doesn't always give you back what you've lost.

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@Black Cat Back wrote:

I was very moved by the Miguel episode.  It was a lovely written story.  It helped understand how and why they got together.


After each episode, I just cry.  So much of what these characters are going through I have or am now.  


So many of their stories touch so many lives in different ways.  The only storyline I didn't like was Kevin's.  It was too predictable that he'd end with Sophie.   It was too Hallmark Channel for me.  Life doesn't always give you back what you've lost.

@Black Cat Back   Your post is perfection.


I have always felt that the success of this show, excellent acting aside, is how the writers manage to touch all of us in one way or in many ways on a personal level.


The Pearsons really do represent real life to many of us.  *sob*


I agree about Kevin and Sophie.  It was tied up too neatly in a sweet little package.


I always liked Miguel-and that one scene where Rebecca wakes up and there is Miguel sitting in the chair watching for her-it summed up his devotion more than anything else, imo.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

Next week's episode teaser trailer - 'Family Meeting'

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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@feline groovy wrote:

Next week's episode teaser trailer - 'Family Meeting'

@feline groovy   Randall needs to remember it was Rebecca's choice to leave Kate in charge.


Kate to Randall regarding "seeing" Rebecca:  "No,  you don't."


"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: This is Us TV Show, Season 6 - SPOILERS!!! Don’t read this if you don’t want to know!!!

@feline groovy , @Cakers3 


I must say regarding Randall, he has bugged me somewhat in various little ways for some time now.  Not all the time.  And in many ways he is a wonderful man, character, etc. and I have also admired him.


BUT he finally got on my last nerve at the wedding with that overly long speech before introducing Rebecca to perform.  And if he pushes his own agenda AGAIN here, I'll be way past being slightly annoyed with him. Kevin is coming through again and reestablishing himself as my favorite of the bunch.

The former and current and still "MrsSweetieBear".